Chapter fifteen

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" What ? ", i asked Kayla. I went to go pour me something to drink. My throat was hurting from nearly choking to death. She started to cry again.

" K-k-k.. Kelz is dead ", She cried out. I came back to the table giving her my full attention.

" What happened ", i asked her. She begin shaking her head.

" What happened Kayla ", i asked her again. She took a deep breath.

" We were at the ritz... We were chilling at the bar when this group of guys came walking in. The next thing i know they all are shooting at each other. When it died down i didn't see Kelz anywhere and...", Kayla explained. I begin looking at her weird. 

" Im confused..i thought you was at work ", i said. She quickly started eating her food. I got up and snatched her plate away from her.

" Keke stop and give me my food ", Kayla yelled out.

" Why were you there and not at work ?", i questioned her. She sucked her teeth.

" Did you get fired or something? ", i asked her. She shook her head.

" Hell nah ", she responded.

" Then why were you there ", i asked her. It got quiet for a minute. She looked down at her hands.

" Keleii I was there because im a stripper, ok ? You happy now ? ", Kayla responded. My jaw instantly dropped.

" That's how i can afford all of this, this nice house, my g wagon i let you drive, the designer clothes, shoes, jewelry, them bags we got. Even our nails i pay with my stripper money ", she continued.

I couldn't believe my sister was a stripper. What the fuck.

" Let me guess is that why Mama kicked you out ? ", i asked her. She looked away from me while bouncing her leg up and down.

" Yeah ", she said. I slammed her plate down on the table. I begin walking out of the kitchen.

" I tried to keep it from you but-"

" Kayla just leave me alone ", was the last thing i had said before making my way upstairs.


" Rice or naan bread "

" Rice "

Im currently at my job taking people's orders. I really didn't feel like coming in today. Only because i found out that my sister was a stripper this whole time. And that's the REAL reason why mom kicked her out. Kayla told me that she was kicked out because she was sneaking boys in the house. I can't believe she just up'd and lied to my face like that. I didn't even ask Kayla for the car this morning, i just rode the bus. 
" That'll be 12.23 ", i told the man.
He dug into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. I rolled my eyes. Niggas is mad corny for no reason. He smiled up at me then went back to thumbing through the money. " Here keep the change ", he said. He handed me a 100 dollar bill. I looked at the money then at him.

" I can't take that ", i said. He chuckled a little.

" Well i can ", Prince said. He pushed me out of the way. " Thanks zaddy ", he told the man. He tried to take the money but the dude pulled back immediately.

" Oh hell nah ", the dude said loudly. He put his money back into his pocket. " I don't even want nothing nomo ", he added. He walked over to the door.

" Thanks, come again ", i yelled out. Then me and Prince started laughing.

The doorbell rung signaling a customer walked in. But Prince and I were still laughing and talking about what happened. So we didn't look over at the door.

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