chapter twenty one

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What Keleii is going to look like in this chapter except her hair is going to be wavy and not straight 🌸


" Wooo this my song ", i heard somebody yell out.

I slowly opened my eyes letting the sun beam in my face. I quickly turned over and picked up my phone. Looking at the time to see that it was eleven in the morning.

" Bitch you stupid ", somebody yelled again followed by laughter.

I slowly got out of bed and walked out of the room. Once i was in the hallway i went inside the bathroom. I went ahead and used the bathroom. After i washed my hands i walked out and went over to the stairs. Once i was on the bottom step i looked over at my sister and her friend Monica in the living room. They were singing and dancing to Girls Need Love by Summer Walker.

" Tired of fucking with these lame niggas baby i just need a thug ", they both sung out. I shook my head at their horrible singing. I cleared my throat catching their attention. " Hey sis you finally up ", Kayla yelled out. Monica went to go turn down the music. I walked over to Kayla and hugged her. " Well yall kinda woke me up ", i said. They both started laughing. " Damn my bad girl ", Kayla said.

I've been here for about three days now. Every since Tay and i got into it the other day, i just needed some space. But i realized that this was the dumbest decision ever. Only because i miss him so much. Its bothering me because i haven't heard from him since. Of course i had to tell Kayla what happened. She had that type of relationship with that asshole Kelz, because he also sold drugs, so she understood where i was coming from. She gave me advice and everything. She also keeps saying that im overreacting but whatever.

" Keke you're gonna be ok ", Kayla asked as she grabbed her keys. I nodded my head. " Ill probably leave too ", i told her. She looked at me with her hand on her hip. " I hope you're gonna go talk to Tay ", Kayla said. " Im not ready to talk to him yet ", i said. Even though its not true at all. But i got to keep telling myself that to convince myself. " Who's Tay ", Monica asked. Kayla pushed Monica towards the door. " Alright see you later sis ", Kayla said. I watched them walk out of the door. I walked upstairs to take a shower, brush my teeth and get dressed.

After i got dressed i sat at my vanity mirror to do my hair. I still had the bundles in my hair so i just left it in its natural wavy state. After i did my edges i grabbed my phone and texted Trina. She said she was on her way to come get me. So i grabbed my mini holographic bag and walked out of my room. Once i got downstairs i went outside to sit on the rocking chair that was on the porch.

I pulled out my phone and got on instagram. I started scrolling down my timeline. I stopped when i saw that Tay had posted a picture of us. It was before we made it official and we were chilling at his house. I had grabbed his phone and took a picture of me sitting in his lap while he had his arms wrapped around me. I looked at the caption he put for it. It said "Us against the world", with the earth emoji. I smiled and liked the picture. Then i went to my contacts and called his number. After two rings he picked up.

" Hey "

" Hi "

" You done being mad at me ? "

" I was never mad at you Tay "

" It seemed like it "

It had gotten quiet for a minute until he cleared his throat.

" I miss you, Keys "

" I miss you more "

He chuckled a little on the other line. I smiled while i wiped off a tear that escaped.

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