chapter sixteen

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I finally got on the street where Maize's is. I turned down my music so i can focus. I pulled up at the restaurant but didn't see Keleii. I pulled out my phone and started dialing her number.

" Alright bye girl "

" Aight call me please ", i heard Keleii yell out. I looked over at Keleii, she was walking up to the car with a medium sized box in her hands. I got out and walked over to her.

" Here i got this ", I told her. I took the box out of her hands. I went to the trunk and sat the box inside. After closing the trunk door i made my way in the driver's side. I looked over at Keleii. She had her arms crossed looking out of the window.

" Wassup Keleii ", i asked her. She shrugged her shoulders.

" So you cant talk now ", i said. She glanced at me then she turned back to the window.

" Can we just leave please, Mali said he was gonna call the cops if i dont leave ", Keleii said.

" Well let him call them then ", i said. She turned around to face me.

" You don't get it, I got fired today because of your jealous ass ex ", Keleii said.

" Ex? What ex ? ", i asked.

" Tay please don't play dumb with me because im not in the mood "

" What ? you talking about Raina ?", i asked Keleii.

" Yes im talking about that bitch. She came to my job harassing me and we ended up fighting "

" Fighting? Why was yall fighting for ?", i asked her.

" You.. Tay we were fighting because of you. She found out that we're together and she wanted to fight me. So that's why i got fired ", Keleii explained. I leaned in closer to her.

" You dont gotta worry about money baby because i got you ", i told her. Keleii begin shaking her head. I sat up in the driver's seat looking confused. " No i cant take your money Tay ", she told me.

" I said i got you Keleii, whatever you want ill get for you ", i said. She moved her hair behind her ear. Then she looked over at me. " Are you sure you can do that ", she asked me.

" With the typa money i got i can do that and then some ", i replied to her. I pulled out the 5 G's i had in my pocket. I looked at her with a smirk. She looked at me then she rolled her eyes. " There should be a word or something for when one of us is irritating the other ", Keleii said. I sucked my teeth then i put the money back into my pocket.

" No im serious, that way we won't cause any drama between us ", she said. I nodded my head. " Aight, what you thinking the word should be ", i asked her. She shrugged her shoulders. " Um.. I dont know. What are you leaning towards ", Keleii asked.

I leaned over with the smirk. She looked at me probably wondering what im doing. " What ", she asked with a nervous laugh. I cleared my throat and said " I was thinking sex ", i said. She quickly turned her head to look at me. " The word Keleii, not less you wanna do the real thing too then im cool with it ", i said.

She rolled her eyes after i said that. I begin to laugh at her getting irritated. " You always think something's funny ", Keleii said then she pushed me away.

" Ard you pick something then ", i told her. She looked up like she was thinking about what to say. She turned around and looked at me. " red ", she said.

" Red ? ", i questioned her. She nodded her head. I shrugged my shoulders. " Ard but i think this whole thing childish as fuck ", i told her. She started to laugh a little. I shook my head.

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