Chapter Twenty eight

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Three days later


I slowly begin to open my eyes. Only to see that where ever i am is pitch black. I tried to move but my arms where chained up. My body ached like hell. Where am I?

" HELP ", I yelled out. All i heard was the chains clanking on the cold bare floor that i was on. I tried to move again but it was no use. " SOMEBODY HELP ", i yelled again. But this time i heard locks were being messed with. I looked around, couldn't see anything.

The door opened shining some light in whatever room i was in. The light came on and i closed my eyes. So the light wouldn't blind me.

" Ugh you look a hot ass mess "

I looked up and saw Raina staring at me. I rolled my eyes.

" And you are one insecure ass bitch ", i responded. That's when she kicked me in the stomach.

" SHUT THE FUCK UP HOE ", Raina yelled. I winced in pain.

" You should've never came and took what was mine ", she continued. I finally looked up at her.

" You really doing this because of Tay ? ", i questioned her. She gave me a look and crossed her arms.

" Well bitch the jokes on you because we're not even together anymore ", i told her.

" I know you're lying just so you can get out of here, im not stupid"

I tried to move but my body hurts so bad. " Fuck you ", i told her. I finally looked down at my arms, they had a few bruises. So did my legs. The only reason i can see them is because my sweatsuit pants was ripped.

" You're the one thats fucked "

I heard that voice before. I looked up and saw that dude that hangs out with Tay. He walked in with Deon's ass.

" Hey aren't you- "

" Fade ? The one and only ", the dude said while smirking. I shook my head.

" What did i ever do to you ? ", i asked him.

" You did a lot of things. For one you went and took Tay from my cousin ", Fade said then nodded over at Raina. I rolled my eyes. Should've known.

" He started acting funny every since he got with your ugly ass ", he continued. I just sat there letting him cry like the bitch he is.

" And thats why you finna pay, right along with him ", Fade continued.

" If you hurt him i swear ill kill you myself ", I said. That's when all three of them started laughing.

" Its been literally three days and he hasn't came and save you yet. So why you worried about him for ", Deon said. I looked away still trying to move.

" Ill tell you why ", i heard a very familiar voice say. I looked up and almost fainted. " -Because she's afraid i might kill him but don't worry, he's not the one i want ".

" Kelz? I thought you were dead "

" Dead? Haha now thats funny ", he responded.

" So all this time my sister was crying over you thinking you're dead when you really alive ", i said. Kelz came walking up to me. He squatted down to my level. " You really think i give a fuck about your sister when she sleeping with the enemy ", Kelz said. I looked at him confused.

He stood up and walked back over to Fade.


" You got it ", Kelz questioned me. I nodded my head then i walked over to Keleii.

" Now im going to hang with Tay and em, pretend like nothing happened while you rot here and then I'm killing you, him, and Tyree ", i told her. She shook her head. " Why are you doing this to Tay ? You know he treat you like a brother and you're gonna stab him in the back like this ? ", she said. I back handed her making her head jerk back. " Speak when spoken too ", i told her.

I walked out of the room with Raina and Deon. Leaving that bitch in there to die.


" yo Im telling yall im gonna loose it ", i yelled out. I got up from the couch and started pacing back and forth.

" Look calm down bro we're going find her ", Santana said.

Keleii's been missing for three days and im breaking down. I went to her sister's house and everything and she wasn't there. Tyree told me that he last saw her the night everything happened and he had to take her home. But im just tryna figure out what happened since then.

" Justin did you find anything man ", Santana asked. Justin is the person we go to if we need to find information on someone or something.

" All i know is there's this leader from the LDS gang, i think they got her ", Justin said. The LDS gang stand for the little dangerous soldiers. Word on the street is that they recently joined the drug game about five months ago. I tried to take them out for tryna steal my spot. But no one could find out who the leader was.

" Why would she be dealing with them ? ", i questioned. Santana cleared his throat and said " Tay i don't think she deals with them, i think they took her to get at you ". I went out the back patio door and sat down on the chair. I pulled out a blunt and sparked it.

I heard somebody coming out the door but i didn't bother to look. I took a puff off the blunt and just stared at it.

" We're gonna get her back bro, you just gotta relax a bit ", Santana said. I kept looking at the blunt in my hand.

" They couldn't get to my family so they took the only other thing that's important to me ", i said. I took another puff then passed it to Santana. " They some dirty ass niggas and we gon get em for that ", he said. " If something happens to her bro, i don't know what ima do. She's the only girl i been with that's really down for me, you feel me? ", i told him.

" I feel you bro, we're gonna get her back i promise ", he said before passing it back to me. Justin came and stood in the doorway. " I finally found out who the leader is ", he told us. I waved him to come fully outside. " Who is it ", I asked.

" Some nigga name Kelson- ", Justin said. That's when Santana interrupted him and said " Hol up, Frank mentioned that nigga before i killed him. Something about cutting a deal wit em and shit. Frank also said that he was supposed to have put that hit out on you and Keleii that night ".

" What the fuck this nigga want wit me ? I ain't never met him in my life ", i said. " I don't know but he also go by the name of Kelz, he was a aspiring rapper but he turned to drugs ", Justin said. Santana sat up in the chair he was sitting in.

" Hol on, im still tryna figure out how he knew where your crib was, where we was gonna be, when Keleii was coming home and allat shit ", Santana said. I nodded my head wondering the same shit. Justin cleared his throat and said " I think yall got a snake in yall's grass ".

" Wassup yall ", Fade came outside and said.



Deon came back in the room i was in with security. He let me out and took me to the bathroom to take a shower and other hygiene stuff while they stood outside of the door. After i was done, i felt something coming up in my throat. I ran over to the toilet and start throwing up. That's when i heard banging on the door. " What the fuck you doing in there ", i heard Deon's voice. I rinsed my mouth off then  i stuck my head out the door. " I need clothes ", i said.

Deon snapped his fingers and one of the security guards hand me some clothes. I quickly shut the door and got dressed. After i came out and Deon snatched my arm and led me back to the room.

He put the chains back on my wrists and walked out with the security. As soon as he closed the door i started to cry.

I hope Tay comes sooner then later because i don't know how much more i can take of this.


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