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"Kono," Steve's voice came through everyone's earpieces. "We're in position."

"Alright, I'm in position as well. You guys owe me big time."

Amy chuckled.

"I'd be down there with you, but, I'm pretty sure Lattimer knows what I look like."

"Can someone tell me why Amy's here?" Danny asked.

"It's fine Danny, she's with HPD." Steve replied.

"Oh, she's with HPD." Danny looked over at Steve. "Why was I not told this Steven?"

"Really Danny? You're upset over something so small."

Amy looked at the two and laughed.

"Do you guys fight like this all the time?"

"No." Both said in unison. Over the comms, the other team mates disagreed.

"Man, you guys sound like a married couple." Amy said.

Steve went to say something when Chin notified them of a silver Jeep coming up the driveway.

"Alright Kono, just like we talked about." Steve said.

"Got it boss." Kono replied.

Amy got up and began to move.

"Hold up," Steve said, "what are you doing?"

Amy looked at him.

"My job commander." Then Amy continued down the path until she was at a perfect spot. Amy got out the sniper rifle she had brought and began to set it up. Once it was complete, she set her scope on Lattimer.

"Steve, Danny, move in."

"What?" Danny asked.

"Move in!" Amy whisper-shouted into her comm, "something's gonna go down. I can see it!"

As Amy watched Lattimer, she saw one of his men reach for their gun.

"We need to keep Lattimer alive. We need him in for questioning." Amy said.

"That's the plan Amy." Steve said.

Amy looked back into her scope and saw that one of Lattimer's men had Kono on her knees. They were going to execute her.

"We've been compromised." Amy said. Her finger went onto the trigger. Amy calmed herself and aimed at the man. She pulled the trigger and he went down. Now, everyone was firing towards the bushes.

Kono had now stood up and began to attack everyone near her. Chin had gotten out of his hiding spot and began to help Kono. Steve and Danny had gotten on the ground as well.

Amy reloaded her rifle and pointed it at Lattimer. Just in case he tried something stupid. She was only aiming for his leg.

A twig snapped behind Amy. She wiped her head behind her and froze.

"Not so tough now?" A man cocked his gun and placed his finger on the trigger. "Get up!" He yelled.

Amy sighed and stood up.

"Turn around." The man ordered.

Amy rolled her eyes and turned around.

"Steve, I've been compromised." Amy said.

"Shut up!" The man barked.

Amy shook her head and quickly turned around. Her left hand landed in the guys stomach. He let out an "oof ". Amy pulled the man towards the hill behind her. The two were fighting for the gun.

Amy's foot slipped and she grabbed ahold of the man's shirt, taking him with her. They rolled down the hill, a few cuts and bruises littered their bodies. When they stopped, the man pushed Amy out into the open. She fell onto her butt and looked up at him. Amy felt her sides and realized she had lost her gun one the way down the hill.

"Looking for this?" The man asked as he cocked Amy's gun.

Amy looked up at him and gulped.

"If you do this," Amy started, "You'll go to jail for life."

"It's better than letting you get away alive." The man smirked. His finger tightened on the trigger, a shot rang out. Amy flinched.

Amy looked at her body and saw that there were no bullet holes or blood. The man in front of her was lying in his own pool of blood.

Amy stood up and looked around. Her eyes landed on Steve.

"What?" Steve started. "I just saved your ass, you're welcome."

Amy rolled her eyes.

"Thanks." Amy replied. "Did we get Lattimer?"

"Let me go!" Lattimer struggled with Kono and Chin.

"Yup." Steve replied.


"So," Steve started. "This is what I'm thinking. You find out that officer Noon is this close to finding you. You go through all this trouble to find her and kill her."

"What?!" Lattimer exclaimed. "Kill her? Man, I don't even know who you're talking about."

"Really?" Steve crossed his arms over his chest. "I find that hard to believe. Don't you find that hard to believe Danny?"

"Yup." Danny replied.

"See, he finds it hard to believe." Steve said.

"Look man, you got nothing on me!"

Steve started to laugh.

"Nothing? You've murdered people! You're involved in sex trafficking and selling illegal drugs."

Lattimer huffed.

"I want my lawyer."

Steve smiled.

"He wants a lawyer, that's hilarious." Steve looked at Lattimer and tilted his chair back.

"What the hell man?!" Lattimer exclaimed.

"Here's the thing," Steve started, his face was inches away from Lattimer's. "In here, you don't get a lawyer or a phone call. You don't get anything."

Lattimer looked at Danny.

"He's serious." Danny said.

Lattimer looked at Steve and huffed.

"What do you want?" Lattimer asked.

"I want the list of everyone that you've worked with, Come in contact with, anything. Give me a list of names."

Lattimer sighed.

"Get me some paper and a pen. It's gonna be a long ass list."

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