"You what?!" Joe looked at Amy with shock.
"I ran into Danny and Steve while I was out." Amy lowered her eyes to the floor.
"This can't happen anymore, Ashley." Joe sighed. "How am I supposed to trust you when you go out? You're supposed to lay low! Remember?"
"My name's Amy." Amy was now staring right at Joe. "Not Ashley."
"We gave you a new identity so you wouldn't be found!" Joe yelled. Amy flinched. "So get used to it."
"How long do I have to be like this?" Amy motioned to herself. "How long will I have to pretend?!"
"Until Wo Fat and Hank Smith are found." Joe replied. He grabbed a duffel bag and placed it in front of him.
"What are you doing?" Amy asked.
"We're moving to a different part of the island. Somewhere where none of your friends can find you."
"What!" Amy cried. "I'm not leaving them!"
"You will and that's an order!" Joe yelled.
Amy had tears in her eyes. Her hands slowly made themselves into fists.
Joe sighed and went back to packing up the house.
"Start packing". Joe called from the other room.
Amy huffed and grabbed a duffel bag. She was going to pack up her things, but she wasn't leaving with joe.
Amy heard the front door shut. She quickly closed her duffel and grabbed her phone and wallet from off of her dresser. Then, Amy took her duffel bag towards her window. She opened it up and threw the bag out. Then, Amy climbed out of her room and landed on the soft, mushy grass.
Amy let out a sigh. She wasn't going to let Joe control her anymore. Not now, not ever.
Amy shifted the bags strap further onto her right shoulder. She passed a few houses that were silent. It was already getting darker by the minute. Amy had to find a place, and soon.
Just then, Amy stopped in front of a familiar house. She walked up to the front door and knocked.
"Ash?" Veda wiped the sleep out of her eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"Um..." Amy (now Ashley) scratched her head. "I've been thrown out of my own home. Parents aren't too happy with me and—"
"Well, why didn't you say so? Come on in." Veda stepped aside to let Ashley in. "My home is your home. Stay as long as you like."
"I don't know, V. I don't wanna put a burden on you."
"Oh, nonsense." Veda closed the front door. "It's quite alright."
"Thank you." Ashley smiled. She desperately wanted to tell this girl everything. She wanted to tell Veda her real name, her life. Keeping a secret was harder than Amy thought.
"I know you said you got kicked out of your house," Veda started. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
Ashley sighed. "Not really."
"Hey, if you ever want to talk about anything. I'll be here." Veda smiled.
"Thanks V." Ashley walked forwards and hugged her friend.
"Now, since you're here," Veda giggled. "What do you say we have some fun? Go out for awhile?"
Amy began to think. Would this be a good idea? After all, she had just ran away from Joes safety.
"Sure," Ashley replied. "Why not?"
Steve came home exhausted. The team had just completed another case. A murder. The man they found confessed immediately for his crimes. Steve could only shake his head at the man.
"Hey, I'm gonna head home." Danny patted his friends shoulder.
Steve was staring at something on the coffee table in the living room.
"Steve?" Danny watched as his friend picked something off of the table.
Steve held a leather bracelet in his hand. This was one of Amy's. She had gotten it from a little girl she had saved. That girl had belonged to a murder victim. Who knew she'd be the next target on the killers list.
"Hey, Hey," Amy's voice echoed in Steve's ears. He looked to the left and saw them crouching beside the couch. "Just look at me, everything's going to be alright."
"I wanna go home." The little girl cried.
"I know, I know," Amy gave the little girl a warm smile. "Commander McGarrett and I will keep you safe. Don't worry."
"Amy, we've got incoming..."
"Steven?" Danny snapped his fingers. Steve blinked. Then he exhaled a breath he didn't realize he was holding.
"Are you alright?" Danny asked.
"This bracelet," Steve started. "It was Amy's."
"Oh..." Danny didn't know what else to say. Then, an idea hit him. "Why don't we go out tonight. Clear your head up?"
Steve sighed. "Danny—"
"No buts, I'm dragging you with me anyways."
Steve chuckled.
"Alright, Fine, let's go out tonight."

Blood Is All I Can Remember ~🌸~ 1
FanfictionThe Five-0 team was at HQ when they got a call. A woman heard gunshots and a scream. As the team gets to the scene, they discover the whole house is trashed and ransacked. When Steve walks further into the house, he finds a body. Steve gets down on...