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"Happy birthday" Pete smiles waking up Ariana. "Go away" Ariana moans covering her head with the blanket. "But I love you" he pouts "and I'm tried" She pouts throwing back the duvet. "But you need to get up I have planned a holiday" he pecks her head.

"Really" she asks feeling all of a sudden awake and he nods catching her in mid air. "Yeah so get packed and I'll be back in 3 hours" he pecks her lips.

Ariana stays cuddled up in his arms. "You cutie" he smiles "but you do need to pack I've still got a lot to do" he pats her bum making her giggle.

He places her on the bed and smiles. "I love you" he smile placing a gentle kiss to her lips. "I love you too" she smiles before letting him leave her apartment.

They were both 21, today was Ariana's 21 birthday. Ariana had, had a few break up which were pretty bad but she seemed to get her life back together at the end.

Ariana walked to the shower and switched on the tap. She let the water heat up while she got And outfit ready. Which was just a simple leggings and a over sized top.

Ariana had an amazing voice however didn't have a job at all. However Pete was in the public eye. He was a host on SNL which Ariana was a fan of. That's how they met.

They had been together for 3 years and they had just recently celebrated their 3 year anniversary.

Ariana shoved a few things in her suitcase and grabbed her passport. She made sure she grabbed her phone and put it in her hand bag. "Be good girl" Ariana bends down to her dogs who were her babies.

He mum would be looking after them while they were away. She wanted them to go and live with her since Ariana really didn't have the time any more to look after them like she hoped.

"Have a good time sweetie" Joan smiles making her jump. "Don't do anything stupid" she says "like what" Ariana laughs "I don't know" She shrugs. "Happy birthday anyway" Joan smiles handing her a card. "Thanks" Ariana kisses her cheek.

Ariana gave her mum a hug before leaving and heading to Pete's house. She was far to eager to wait till he came to pick her up.

Ariana couldn't be bothered knocking after all she was being bombarded with cameras and questions. "Hello?" Pete calls a little confused. "It's me" Ariana calls falling into his sofa.

Ariana pulls out the card her mum gave her and carefully opened it. She shakes her head noticing her mum gave her money. She read the car which brought a few tears to her eyes. "Did you get bombarded" Pete asks looking out his window. "Yeah, I wish they would leave me alone. I'm not even famous" Ariana pouts "you sort of are because of me" Pete chuckles kissing her lips.

Pete hands her a small box and Ariana carefully opens it. "It's amazing" Ariana smiles holding up a necklace that had "I love you forever. Pete xxx" engraved into it.

"Let me but it on" he asks and She nods lifting up her hair and letting him attach the necklace to her. "I never want you to take this off okay" he tells her and she nods.

"When do we go?.... where are we going" Ariana asks "we can leave now" he smiles "and Magaluf" he smiles making her cheer "I love you so fucking much" Ariana screams making him chuckle.

"Well let's get this excited little monkey on the plane" he chuckles "I'm not a monkey" she pouts "your my monkey. Your my princess. Your my everything" he smiles "your amazing" she giggles.

"I don't want to go out" Ariana pouts "I'll put the cases in the taxi stay inside" he asks and she nods. Pete puts the cases in the boot of the taxi and comes back in for Ariana.

"I want you to bury your head into my neck and hide your face" he asks and she nods jumping up wrapping her arms and legs around him. She lays her head on his neck snuggling into him as she sort of enjoys the cuddle.

He carefully carried her out and shut the door which locks instantly. He carried her to the taxi and climbed in shutting the door. "I love you" Ariana mumbles "I love you too" he pecks her head as she pulled herself away.

She sits next to him cuddling into his side. "This holiday is about me and you right" Ariana asks "yeah of course why wouldn't it be" Pete asks "because everyone always wants photos with you" she looks up to him. "This is about you and your birthday" he pecks her head.

Once they arrived at the airport he takes Ariana's hand helping her out the car. He graves their cases and Ariana takes her own putting it on the suitcase stand.

Ariana scans through and so does Pete. "I need the toilet" Ariana pouts "there's one over there" Pete points. "I'll be sitting right here when you finished" he pecks her cheek and she nods handing him her jacket.

He chuckles at her before watching her walk to the bathroom making sure she got there okay.

Ariana walked into the bathroom and locked her self in a cubical before sitting down on the toilet and doing her business. She wipes her self before flushing the toilet and washing her hand.

"Your dating Pete right" she hears a little voice asks "I am" Ariana smiles "Can you tell him he's really cute" she asks "of course" Ariana smiles before leaving the bathroom and heading back to Pete. "A little girl in the bathroom called you cute" Ariana says sitting down. "Your the only one who can call me cute" he pouts "she was 8 max" Ariana chuckles kissing his lips but pulls away as she sees a flash.

"We're boarding" Ariana huffs. Pete takes her hand so he knew she was safe before directing her to the plane. Ariana sat down next to the window while Pete got the aisle seat.

"Ariana princess are you okay" he asks "I'm fine" Ariana smiles up to him before laying her head on his shoulder and falling asleep.

Should I carry on?

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