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Ariana looks really happy with her new boyfriend. I see photos of the news on her Instagram.

She's on the show in just a couple of days. I'm a little nervous to be honest. It's not that I have to be face to face with her. It's the fact I know she won't want to see me since we both know we're both in the wrong.

I decided to get out of bed and have a shower. Since I had nothing else to do with my life.

Ariana POV
"Ariana there's someone at the door for you" my mum tells me and I groan rolling off the bed and walking down the stairs.

"Hi Sophie" I yawn "hi" she smiles "Come on" I say and she nods. "Nice place you have here" she smiles looking around "Can I get you a drink" I ask and she nods "yes please" she smiles and I nod.

"Who's the little one" I asks getting out a cup "oh sorry Ariana this is my little boy Harvey" she smiles "awww" I smile at him.

I make her a drink and my mum goes out. "So who's the baby daddy" she asks "pete Davidson" I sighs "does he know" she asks and I shake my head.

"Ariana don't you think he deserves to know" she asks "he'll leave me what's the point" I ask "Ariana would you like your baby to be without a father" she asks and I shake my head "Come on you have to tell him" she says and I sigh.

"You still have his number" she asks and I shake my head "I know it off by heart" I sigh and she nods handing me her phone.

I put in his number and take a deep breath.

Pete's PoV
My phone begins to ring and it's an unknown number.

"Hello?" I question "h-hi" I heat a females voice. I recognise the voice it was Ariana "why you calling are you okay" I panic "WHY THE FUCK IF SHE HERE AND GET OFF THAT FUCKInG PHONE" I hear a male scream and the phone ended.

"Who was it" my mum asks "Ariana" I sigh "what did she want" she asks "I don't know" I shrugs "I think she's in danger" I sigh "she's a smart girl Pete she knows what she's doing" My mum tells me and I nod.

Ariana POV
"Please" I cry "I told you not to disobey me and you did" he grabs my arm "now I'm not going to hurt you but your staying in here all night and I'll think about letting you free when I can be bothered with your attitude." He spits making me sink into the bed as I cry.

I wanted Pete. The first time I had ever said this since the night everything happened I wanted Pete and I wanted him now.

Joan's PoV
As I see my daughter be dragged away by that man I turn to Sophie "cover for me I'm going to get help" I whisper and she nods "I'm sorry miss grande I feel like this is my fault" she sighs "never say that it ain't this has been happening a while" I say before running off.

"Joan" Scooter answers the door to me and let's me in. "You need to come to Ariana's house now" I pant "what's happening" he asks "that man Andy has my daughter he's been abusing her and she's scared he'll hurt her" I say "shit okay I'll call the police now" he says and I nod.

I grab myself a drinks while Scooter got the police since we couldn't just walk in without help.

Should I keep this as Pete and Ariana or change to Maciana? I don't know if your all enjoying it with Pete and Ari

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