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"Pete" Ariana mumbles. "You okay" he asks looking towards her. "I've got a pain" she says "where" he asks walking over to her "my tummy" she takes his hand.

The pain quickly went away. "What does this mean" he asks and Ariana shrugs.

"Will you be okay if I go to the toilet" he asks and Ariana nods sitting on the sofa. Pete walks to the bathroom.

"PETE" Ariana cries making him run to her. Ariana stands up hugging him. "What's happened" he asks "I think the baby is coming" she says through gritted teeth. "Ohhhh" she gasps.

"Okay okay calm down breath" he says and she nods taking deep breaths in and out. He grabs the baby bag and helping her to the car.

"Ahhhhh" she grunts "it hurts" Ariana pouts "I know baby I know" he tells her driving to the hospital.

"Sorry" Ariana says "what you sorry for" he asks "my waters just broke" she says "it's okay, my baby girl is way more important that my car" he tells her taking her hand so she could squeeze it when she got a pain.

Once he arrived at the Hospital Ariana got out waiting for Pete. He takes her hand as they start I walk inside. "I can't" she stops. Pete pulls her into a hug letting her grunt out the pain into him before they carried on.

"My girlfriends wasters have broke" Pete says and the lady nods guiding her to a delivery room. "Okay Ariana when did your contractions begin" the midwife asks "about an hour and a half ago. My waters broke on the way here" Ariana says and the midwife nods hitting down some notes.

"Okay Ariana can I check you over" she asks and Ariana nods. "Can I be put in different clothes" Ariana asks and she nods "I'll get you a gown" she smiles and Ariana nods.

"We're about to meet our baby" Ariana says and he nods "Can you call my mum" she asks "yeah sure, want your brother too" he asks and Ariana nods

Pete calls her mum who said she was on her way and would tell everyone.
"Here you go" the midwife smiles handing Ariana the gown. "I'll be with you in 5 minutes." She adds and Ariana nods.

Ariana held out her hands for Pete who helped her off the bed. He gently took off her tee shirt off and her pants. He pecks her lips before taking off her bra and panties before slipping the gown over her head.

Once he was done he helped her back on to the bed. "I love you" Ariana smiles "I love you too princess" he kisses her head.

"Okay Ariana if you would like to put your heels together and knees apart please" the midwife asks and Ariana does as she says. "Do you know what gender you are having" she asks "yeah a baby girl" Pete smiles taking Ariana's hand as her face screws up in pain.

"Okay it looks like your 5cm" she says and Ariana nods. The midwife hooks Ariana up to a machine so they could measure her contractions "Can I have some gas and air" Ariana asks "of course" she smiles getting it sorted for her.

Ariana pants on the gas and air. "It's okay baby girl this will be over soon" Pete tells her. "Ahhhh fuck" Ariana grunts "fuck off" Ariana says. "Don't listen to her she does want you, she's just in pain" the midwife says and he nods.

He holds a damp flannel to her head as she laid back down after it was over. "Love you, sorry" she says "it's okay" he tells her.

Joan comes through the door and rushes over to Ariana. "Mommy" she pants "it will be okay sweetie this is worth it" Joan comforts her and Ariana nods.

"Fuck aghhhhhhh it hurts" Ariana screams. The midwife comes over to her "let me check you again an I may be able to give you some other form of pain relief" she says an Ariana nods.

She follows her instructions. "Okay Ariana your labour is travelling quickly which means it's nearly ready for you to push. Would you like an epidural" she asks and Ariana nods.

The midwife calls for it as Pete comforts his girl. "I want this over" she sniffs "wait I don't want the epidural" Ariana says "okay that's fine" the midwife says. "Are you sure Ariana" Pete asks and she nods "this pain is worth what's going to come" Ariana says and he nods kissing her lips.

"Okay Ariana, how would you like to be when the baby is coming" she asks "semi-sitting" Ariana asks and she nods "Can Pete sit behind me" she asks and the midwife nods.

"Please" Ariana asks and he nods getting in the bed.

Once it was ready to push. Joan came to Ariana side since Pete had her legs helping her keep them open. Ariana kisses Pete's lips before pushing as her contraction came. "That's it beautiful" Pete tells her. "Ahhhhhhhh" she leans her head in Pete's chest as she pushes as hard as she could.

"Breath Ariana, that's important" the midwife says and Ariana nods "okay so on your next contraction take a big deep breath and push" she asks and Ariana nod. 

"Your doing so well" Joan tells her and she nods. Ariana takes a deep breath before pushing letting out a scream while she was at it. "That's it Ariana nearly there"

Pete could tell she was getting tired by her legs. "Come on Baby girl your doing so well" he stroke her knee. As much as the pain was bad that little gesture comforts Ariana. "Keep doing that" she asks "what this" he asks doing for again and she nods.

Both the midwife and Joan smiles at her as they got a really big push off Ariana. "Okay Ariana don't push just breath" she says. "In and out very slowly"

"Okay on this one the head will be out" she says. Ariana pushes her again. "That's it Ariana come on" the midwife smiles. Pete's eyes start to tear up as he starts to see the baby's head. "The heads out" she announced.

"She's beautiful" Pete tells Ariana still stroking her knee. After the next three pushes the baby was out and way placed on Ariana's chest. "She's beautiful" Ariana sobs holding her girl.

They were both cleaned up as the baby girl was Weighed and was at a health weight. "I'm proud of you princess" he kissing her lips "I love you so much" Ariana whispers.

"Frankie" Ariana smiles "hey little sis" he smiles "Bella" Pete says "I like that" Ariana smiles. Ariana have her brother a hug.

"Pete your phone" Joan says and he pick it up. "You took what's mine" was all was said before they hung up.

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