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Ariana POV
It had been 3 weeks since I started recording songs and my album came out today. It's nothing major. Scooter says it's something to help me get fans and stuff. I don't know I just know that I like the songs.

I haven't spoken to Pete I don't want to. I don't even think he will care anymore, his instagrams always filled with different girl. Although their has been this one girl for the past two weeks.

I don't intend to stalk his Instagram. It just I do miss him but I unfollowed him a couple of days ago. I need to move on to it will be better for my heath.

I need to focus on my music now. That's all I basically have at the moment.

Me and Scooter has built an amazing bond too. He's like my best friend. He's so supportive which I didn't expect him to be. Theres been days I have been really upset about what happened and he's cancelled sessions for me so I can relax and keep calm.

I was currently sat at the studio with laptops placed in front of me. "Right Ariana you ready to start the live stream" Scooter asks and I nod.

I click live and speaks with my  fans.

I blink back tears as I saw that Pete had joined before he quickly left. Did he still care?

I handed Scooter my phone and quickly ran off to the bathroom. I threw up into the toilet.

I was fine this morning what could be wrong? "Ariana are you okay" I hear Scooter call from the bathroom door. Obviously it was the girls bathroom, he couldn't just walk in.

"No" I croak out. Scooter came in and helped me back to my feet. "I have some water in my bag. You can have some of that" he tells me and I nods. He helps me back to the room we were in and I sat down.

I take a sip of the water Scooter handed me and we released my album. "I don't feel so good" I moan "Come on let's get you home, I'll drive you" Scooter give me a saddened look. I nod and stand up.

I grab my stuff and head out to the car with Scooter. He drives me back to my apartment and I go and get In bed since he said he was calling my mum so I could rest.

Pete's PoV
"Why you listening to your ex's music you love me right" Maddy asks "I do love you" I smile "why are you listening to her then" she asks. The truth was I missed her like crazy.

She sounds so good on her songs and I miss that voice. I know she has an attitude on her but I liked that about her. I loved everything about her.

"I wanted to see if she was any good" i lie she was amazing and if I told her the truth she would be hurt and after all I had been told I need to warm to Maddy since I want going to get Ariana back.

I decided to shove Ariana out of my mind since we wasn't together any more.

"Come on let's go out for a meal" I smile "but I haven't got dressed nice" she pouts. If this was Ariana she will have just agreed. She didn't care what she looked like when she was around me. I sigh "you look great"

I let her go and get changed since she wouldn't stop moaning about looking disgusting. She didn't even look that bad.

I want Ariana back but I guess that's not happening things happen for a reason right?

Maddy came back down a few minutes later with a whole new outfit and her hair done. I open the car door for her before walking round and driving her to the restaurant.

"Can I get your orders" the waiter asks "can I get a burger and fries please" I asks "just a salad please" Maddy smiles. "Drinks" she asks "coke please" we both agree.

I couldn't help but frown. If Ariana was here she wouldn't have just ordered a salad. She would have ordered a steak or something.

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