dEDiCaTiONs + pLaYLiSt

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⬆️PLaYLiST aBoVE⬆️

this story is dedicated to many people so please hold the applause until the end lmao

-first, this story is dedicated the octoTHOTS gc for encouraging me to keep this story going 😍 i love you my lucky stars 💕✨

-secondly, this story is dedicated to and inspired by utlkook who brought a fandom together during one of the darkest times in kpop, you're an anpanman 💕

-thirdly, this story is dedicated to my bestfriend and soul companion seoulyoongi. you have never been disappointed by my writing, and no matter what it is you're always excited to read it. thank you bby, i love my #1 stan 💕

-and last but not least this story is dedicated to anyone who stumbles across it. thank you for giving my work the time of day 💕

please enjoy


[feATuReD CoMmEnTs]

"the use of video [tapes] is super interesting and spooked the hell out of me...the fact that seokjin won't spill adds to that."
- nectaerine
{writer of sleeping arrangements and it's sequel sleeping partners}

"Ok kinda's strange...I love it tho."
- ImTooHot2Die

"wtf i'm genuinely scared"
- sourbluesky

"...I like how Seokjin is written in this story. He's constantly on edge and [is always] double checking his decisions. The paranoia really adds to the creepy hidden elements."
"I'm in love with the characters you've created with them [bts]..."
as well as
"I'm shitting actually wtf."
- cholericcc

"my god who tf is this istg"
- taeandjam

"my taehope heart cant take this damage"
- seoulyoongi


Copyright © 2018-2019 seoultori

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author as permitted by copyright law. For book review permission requests, write to the author, addressed "Attention: Permissions," at the email address below.

All characters, other than BTS themselves, belong to me. Any relation to real people or events is purely coincidental.

STARTED: June 14, 2018
FINISHED: April 15, 2019


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