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[seokjinnie hyung]

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[seokjinnie hyung]


what are you doing

texting you

no i mean

what are you doing awake


couldn't sleep

did hoseok send you the list
of colleges in gwangjin and  seongdong yet?

yeah i got it

good, i think im going
to head out around 7
so i can get there as
people are walking to class

try to ask around a bit

tae its like

4 am...


why can't you sleep?

i'm just not tired is all

you need to sleep

you're not going to be able to do anything if you're tired

im fine

there's not enough time for
me to sleep

we have just a little
over a day left

its not enough to search
like 16 colleges

so ill be fine

you are not fine

what ever pressure
you're feeling tae,
i understand

but don't be so
hard on yourself

why do you keep acting like you understand how i'm feeling

you don't

you don't and probably
never will

so please just stop

i do understand taehyung

i understand a lot more
than you think i do

and im tired of fighting with you

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