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[hobi hyunggggg😁]

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[hobi hyunggggg😁]


i need your help

yeah ofc

is something wrong?

um no

not really

me and yoongs
are just messing around

and sending really
dumb shit to each other

and i need you to decode something....

well i think its some
kind of code

honestly i'm not sure

decode? as in?

kinda looks like binary
code lol im not sure

oh okay

i got chu

its '1001110918'

okay one sec


it's actually really easy if
you know the english alphabet

which i really hope you do

you do dont you?

yes hyung -_-

its cyphered based on the letter alignment with numbers


explain for dummies
pls thanks

A = 01


so when you align
the numbers with
its matching alphabetical placement you get



well shit

youre a genius lol

why thank you

are you sure everything's
alright though?

yeah everythings fine
just bullshitting as always 😂

ok good

thank you hyung
sosososo much you
da best

better than seokjin hyung? ;)

almost lol

one can only try 😁



youre a literal life saver

thanks again

no problem tae

tell yoongi to not make
your brain work so hard

ill have to shove
one of his mic chords
down his throat 👊

oh i will 😂😂😂

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