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[You, hobi hyu

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[You, hobi hyu..., + 1 other]

hey hobi

hobi hyunggggg😁:
oooh new gc?

um yeah

about that

hobi hyunggggg😁:
is this another yoongi roast?

because if it is, it would be
funnier if we add his ass

no, its not

it's actually really

seokjinnie hyung:
tae just send him the fucking recording

hobi hyunggggg😁:

▶️ You sent an
audio message

hobi hyunggggg😁:
what the actual fuck

seokjinnie hyung:

tell me about it

hobi hyunggggg😁:
is that the tape you got from the police station?

seokjinnie hyung:
you knew?

hobi hyunggggg😁:
well yeah, its all
over the news

along with taeil...

but tae why didnt you tell me

im sorry

seokjinnie hyung:
i told him not to tell anyone

it could put the person
in the tape at risk

hobi hyunggggg😁:

still when i asked you what was
wrong tae

you should have said something

i couldn't, i'm really sorry

hobi hyunggggg😁:
you know you can
trust me tae

seokjinnie hyung:

back to what's important

taehyung thinks you can
help us find the person in the

with your "magic computer

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