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10:03PM June 19, 2018

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10:03PM June 19, 2018




hELLo kiM SeoKJiN

reMemBEr mE?

oF cOUrSE yOu dO

you can't scare me like you scare taehyung

you know that

yOU'rE riGHT, i dO.

tAEhyUnG iSNt aS
pAtheTic As YoU

hE hAs DeTerMiNaTioN
tO KeEP HiS fAmiLy sAfE

yOU wERe weAK In TiMes oF diStReSs

what do you want

i'm not playing games

im not doing riddles

just get to the point

tell me where jimin is

look at how demanding
you are seokjinnie hyung

especially towards someone who is slowly taking
everything away from you

like you had taken from me.

you should be on your knees
kim seokjin

and you know it.

you're delusional.

and psychotic

i owe you nothing

you're a liar.

as well as a lousy friend

but of course little taeil was too


with the exception, you

he was always good to you

don't fucking talk about taeil

taeil's name is not to come
out of your fucking mouth

hmm looks like someone doesn't want my help after all

i thought i would help you since you're an old friend

chimchim? is that what that boyfriend of his calls him?

i guess he'll just die and rot where he sits.

where is he

what did you do to him

since when did you target
the innocent

i didn't do anything to him

couldn't even tell you what
he looks like

i let someone else take care
of the toys

don't worry all limbs are attached.

but he may bleed to death

the clock is ticking seokjin

for fucks sake

just tell me where he is 
you sick fuck


beg me and ill tell you.


i'm not
and i won't

so just tell me

thats not how this
works seokjin

when will you learn that
i am fucking in charge now

beg me or ill kill him now.

and taehyung will live with that guilt the rest of his life

and he'll never know what really happened to his brother.

why are you doing this

why won't you stop

you're running out of time seokjin


please i beg you....

i fucking beg you to
tell me where he is


but so help me god, when i find him.

i will find you too

we will see :)

50 namjin-gil, bangdeo-dong,
dong-gu, ulsan

better hurry kim seokjin

he's dying


i'm so sorry i haven't updated in a month. school and life got so overwhelming, side b was kinda put to the side. but i'll be posting the last 5 chapters soon.

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