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10:48AM June 20, 2018

THE AMOUNT OF FEAR KIM SEOKJIN CURRENTLY BASKS HIMSELF IN IS DEMORALIZING. His insecurities completely depressing any sense of courage he had built up an hour ago. A fact meaning another promise to Taehyung is bound to be broken.

     Seokjin wanted to tell him. To give Taehyung the answers he had always wanted. He felt he needed to and even had every intention on telling him before Yoongi showed up at his house last night, absolutely terrified. He looked so vulnerable and so lost, it reminded him of himself 7 years ago and Seokjin just couldn't find it in him to turn the boy away.

     Seokjin wanted to tell Taehyung everything—starting from Hyosung and all events in between. Just as he had promised. It'll had been the rawest Seokjin has ever been since Taeil had gone missing. And he is very aware of that. All the walls he has built will finally be collapsing against him...and he no longer has the right or the strength to piece them back together. He fucking hates himself for the pain he has put Tae through—his family through. He hates himself for what he's done. But I guess, in the end, it was all coming down to this anyway, wasn't it? Seokjin, finally making up for the mortal mistake he committed 7 years ago. Seokjin, finally releasing all the emotions he has kept bottled up all these years. And right now, at this very moment, he feels as if his nerves will eat him alive as the reality of what he's doing begins to sink in.

I'm really going to save Park Jimin.


     Seokjin is confident. He always has been. A part of him had thought he was stronger compared to the Seokjin he was 7 years ago. He thought he could do this. He hoped he could. And yet as his concerns deepen for a boy he has never met grows immensely, he begins to ponder whether Jimin will even be alive, his confidence nearly evaporating at the thought.

     He had previously been on a bus for 8 hours, his hope burning out with every mile the bus took. And soon, very soon, he'll be arriving at the address he was given last night.

      His head falls back against the headrest as he lets out a breath in an attempt to get his lungs to start functioning properly. He blinks slowly as he stares at the ceiling. Seokjin knows what is coming. Yet he has no idea what will happen after. He saves Jimin and then what? What if he's hurt? What if he's seriously fucking dying? Does he call the police? An ambulance? Does he just fucking take him home?

It isn't long before the cab reaches its destination. Seokjin's muscles are numb after the 45-minute drive from the bus station and he's anything but rested. The vehicle comes to a stop and Seokjin's heart drops to his stomach.

     He steps out of the cab, heart pounding through his chest as he takes in the large building before him. The driver snaps his fingers from behind him urging him to hurry and pay the cab fare, the look of discomfort evident as he glances between Seokjin and the molding two-story building. Seokjin bends down and reaches into his sock, pulling out 20000 won. He hands the money to the driver, silently hoping it will be enough to cover the fare, knowing that he left his wallet and phone back at the house. And thankfully its was. Seokjin turns away from the cab, now facing the building entrance as the cab driver takes off behind him. Without hesitation, Seokjin enters the building, decaying leaves crunching beneath his feet. The smell of mold and ammonia overtakes his senses as a hurdled cough begins to fill his throat.

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