A genuine thank you.

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     Hello, it's me, Tori. Seoultori. Inconsistent updater. Whichever shoe fits. I'll just start this off by being completely and utterly honest. I never, ever thought I would finish a story, especially one with zero romance and weird ass tapes. Like, I still can't process that side b is actually finished. It's done, over with, and now I kinda have to move on. That's very foreign to me. The fact that I can say I finished a story makes me feel so full and genuinely happy. I feel so accomplished and I can't wait to see what I'll do next. And just want to say thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Because without the constant support and comments I have gotten on this story over the last year, I probably would have never had the motivation to continue this story to begin with. The success of this story is all thanks to you guys. No, it may not have a shit ton of reads or a huge amount of votes but I see/know how this story has affected people in a positive way, and that alone is enough for me.

   So once again, because even a million wouldn't be enough, thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you for helping me make side b an actual story and not just an idea I thought would never be complete. It means the world to me not only as a person, but as a writer as well. And as a token of gratitude, side b is not over yet. There is one bonus chapter on the way just for you guys.

—Love you, and thank you for reading. Until next time.

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