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[grandpa jin]

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[grandpa jin]

hyung are you coming?

tae's drunk

he listened to the tape

well, we listened the tape

jimin's not okay

the tape said we failed

and rn we're both confused

taehyung is more livid than confused

jungkook talked to
jimin, hyung

i swear he did

actually i know he did

he was literally right in front of me on the phone with him

uh yeah

taehyung is
seriously not okay

he's so drunk

i haven't seen him this
drunk in two years

i'm really worried about him



okay you need to
get here now

he just threw an
ashtray through the tv




hey asswipe

it's been two hours
and you're still not here

are you seriously going
to ignore us

taehyung has gotten worse


look tae needs you,
he doesn't want me here

he just wants you

he keeps asking for you

i really dont care
what you're supposed
to be telling us

and i don't give a fuck
about what you did

bc taehyung trusts you
to some extent

but he needs you

so please come


he needs you


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