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thank you so much gothwiki for the amazing story banner, i love it so much _____________

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thank you so much gothwiki for the amazing story banner, i love it so much

[seokjinnie hyung]

hyung im sorry
about last night

i really am

are you okay?

that text last night
didn't sound like you

is everything okay?

please just tell me you're okay

you don't have to close
me off like this hyung

i'm worried about you

what happened last night?

i know you're still at home

i called your landlord and
he said you never left
the house last night

pick up the phone

im just going to
come check on you

before i get to your house,
i have something i have to say

bc i know i can't say
it to your face

like i refuse

but look, i got drunk
last night okay

i know ive been frustrated

i know ive been an
asshole to you

i know I've given you hell

probably broke your
fucking heart etc

and drinking

it helps me think

and last night i had alot to
think about

and im sorry

i really do trust you hyung

maybe not like before

but i do

as ive said

i know you didn't do
something to taeil

i know that bc

you're my brother,
i just know you

the only reason ive
been so hard on you and
myself is because you knew

all this time you
knew what
happened to taeil

and you never said anything

you never 
even gave a clue that
you know what ever
it is you know

and it hurt me.

how does this effect
you hyung?

how are you involved?

just tell me what you know

you're afraid of getting in trouble right?

i won't let anything
happen to you

i wont tell the
police a thing i swear

you'll be safe

im getting off the bus now

if you're not home i s2g

answer the door

hyung answer the door



okay you're really
starting to scare me

this isn't funny damn it


okay thank god

i hear you moving around

are you seriously not going
to open the door


knock knock

are you seriously going
to ignore me in general

whatever you did ill forgive
you hyung

please don't do this

are fucking kidding me

do you have someone over?

did you seriously blow me
off for someone else?

was something else really more
important than this?

than me?

than jimin? or taeil?


wow seokjin

something came up huh

real nice 👍

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