You're Invited!

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The Elvian Ball
A Formal Invitation

Greetings fellow elfin, fae, and human creature alike,

Welcome to The Kingdom of Medilan.

Sending her sincerest regards, Queen Milana Edelia Delarosa hereby requests your attendance to celebrate 2,000 years of peace between all Magical and Mundane civilizations.

Finding importance in such a great achievement, The Elvian Ball will take place July 14th inside the Emerald Palace's Sky Room, located within the borders of Nalidem.

In order to ensure that all creatures be comfortable during this event, an Elfin Clan guide with be provided with this invitation.

Hoping all's well,
Kim Namjoon, Royal Peacemaker

The Ardor Queen, a BTS story, is now published!


Recurring dreams and a glowing birthmark; these are the only things keeping Milan Edwards from being anything close to ordinary.

While working at a 7 Eleven to try and get her nursing degree, Milan learns she has been the center of an entirely different world her whole life. When her planned future of normalcy is breached by a court of elves claiming her to be their reincarnated queen, she finds that the birthmark that rests upon her collarbone was never just a mark, but a birth-right instead.

Brought on a journey to reobtain a fallen elfin kingdom stolen by the Fire fae, Milan discovers that her greatest battle will not be one that sheds blood, but instead challenges her to choose between her head and her heart.

Will she embrace her fate or will fear keep her from a future she had never thought she knew?

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