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The FINAL 7 chapters of SIDE B will be alternated between this format and texting format for storytelling purposes

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The FINAL 7 chapters of SIDE B will be alternated between this format and texting format for storytelling purposes.


9:04PM June 20, 2018

KIM TAEHYUNG IS CONFUSED. His mind is in a chaotic riot as he struggles to take in what he had just heard. His eyes clamp shut as his entire body begins to protract an overwhelming numbness, forcing all his emotions to collide together as if there was none there to begin with. Hurt, betrayal, and absolute devastation are the only emotions Taehyung's body can function long enough to process. All he can physically feel is the consistent pounding on the inside of his chest, making his ability to breathe to quickly become restricted.

     He begins to shake his head back and forth as if to shake away the haunting words of the tape. His hands trembling as his fingers hover over the worn-out play button of an old cassette player. One, that at one point in time, had once belonged to his brother Taeil. He doesn't know how long he sat there, staring and contemplating the how's, when's and why's of which Seokjin had received this tape before he was in an overwhelming bundle of sobs, the oxygen in the air somehow finding its way into his lungs. Taehyung is in an undeniable state of panic. Helpless. And for once in his life, he has no one to comfort him. He's all alone inside an empty dorm, completely drowning in his pain and anxiety. A feeling he could only compare to the imagination's description of dying.

     Taehyung didn't want to admit it. He didn't want to admit his pain. Or even his ignorance. But slowly, eventually, as his train of thought begins to come back to him, he knows he's going to have to face that the reality isn't what he thought it was after all. This is way more than just a psycho maniac playing a sick and twisted game on innocent bystanders. It's absolutely terrifying. But what's even more terrifying is that this sick and twisted psycho has a reason behind his actions. And it seems their victims isn't as innocent as Taehyung had thought.

     Taeil isn't as innocent as he had thought.

     The how and when is very obvious as of now. Taehyung finally putting the pieces together into a set timeline inside his jangled mind. Seokjin had received this tape three days and two hours before his brother Taeil vanished from his shared home 7 years ago. Of course, Taehyung had known that Seokjin knew things as these last few days had gone by. The puzzle behind his brother's disappearance nearly complete. The pieces being placed carefully into their fitted positions. Such as why Seokjin knew about the tapes. How he knew what would happen if you didn't follow them correctly. And the accusation that he and Taeil were responsible for the death of another person. The true victim behind it all. This is what Seokjin had known all this time. This is why Seokjin was so hesitant to tell him.

     Seokjin was afraid. But he was not afraid in the same context Taehyung thought he was. Seokjin was not afraid of getting caught amidst his secret. Seokjin was not afraid of Taehyung's anger nor whatever blame he could put on him. Seokjin was simply afraid of losing him in this prejudice time lapse of forever. And Taehyung sees that now. He can feel that same fear so clearly. The pedestal of love, and admiration he had placed not only his brother upon, but Seokjin as well was collapsing before his eyes. And Taehyung is afraid of losing the versions of his hyungs that he had once known.

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