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JUNE 19, 2018 7:29 PM

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JUNE 19, 2018 7:29 PM



hobi hyunggggg😁 added +02-7612-2013 to the conversation.

um okay

what are you doing

hobi hyunggggg😁
jungkook, you there?

yeah im here

jungkook? as in...

jimin's jungkook?

hobi hyunggggg😁
yes, jimin's jungkook

jungkook, this is taehyung


um hi?

hobi hyunggggg😁
and seokjin is the other
person in the groupchat

i told you about them at the
school, do you remember?

i do i guess

hobi hyunggggg😁
you can trust them okay?

so don't worry

just tell them
what you just told me

um yeah,
what's going on?

okay um

here's the thing

idk what you guys have to do with jimin

because he's never
mentioned any
of you to me

but the last few days he's
been acting odd, almost like
he's afraid of something

idk i had never seen him
like this

i told hoseok about it
when he came looking for
jimin at the school

and afterwards, hoseok told
me that if something
happened to call him

so now im here


so what exactly happened?

have you heard
from him?

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