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[grandpa jin]

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[grandpa jin]

are you kidding me

its 3 in the fucking morning

you was supposed to be here

make that 8 hours ago


im really starting
to get pissed





seriously hyung

fuck you seokjin

you're a fucking asshole
you know that?

and a coward

he literally has this entire
dorm destroyed and now
he's just sitting on the couch sobbing

i haven't seen him this upset
since his mom decided to
stop having a memorial
for taeil every year

and you

are just fucking
everything up

by making it worse

you take advantage of
the fact you have taehyung wrapped around your finger

i mean

i'm IN LOVE with the kid
and you still

fuck it

you still have him in
every way i don't

you have his trust

you have his honor

and you have his respect

you're his brother hyung

he couldn't live without you

actually he wouldn't
live without you

and now you won't even
face him?

you're pathetic

you don't deserve him

what ever it is that
you can't tell him

i seriously hope
its worth it

but just so you know

he will always pick you

even when it comes to taeil

it will always be you

and i hope you
drown in your guilt

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