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this is extremely unedited and kinda bad??? but i'm proud of it nonetheless so i really hope you enjoy. so without further ado, this is the last chapter of side b.

This chapter will change point of views for story telling purposes. Please be aware.

10:51 PM June 20, 2018

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10:51 PM June 20, 2018


VENGFULNESS IS A VERY OVERWHELMING EMOTION, and Kim Taehyung finds himself completely, and utterly consumed by it. His palms are sweaty as his grip tightens around the 45-caliber shoved into his pocket. The gun's weight making his entire body heavier as Taehyung is forced to acknowledge it's presence. His mind whirls in a thousand different directions and his conscience continues its fight with his newest demons. A never-ending battle of "Am I doing the right thing?".

     Taehyung takes a deep breath before his feet move across pavement. His eyes are dark. Determined. Angry. His path is clear and his target is in sight. Taehyung knows the right answer to his deliberating question but he has already made up his mind. He knows he's going to do the wrong thing. And nothing could stop him.

He moves slowly as an overwhelming feeling of sickness fills his core. His legs numbing as he approaches him. He walks until there's merely five-foot of space in between them and Taehyung holds his breath as to not make a sound . He observes the man until the man shuffles slighty, carefully looking behind him.

     He must have heard me approaching. Thinks Taehyung.

"Kim Taehyung," the man says, his voice loud despite the few cars passing on the road, "So we finally meet."

The man doesn't look at Taehyung as he speaks, taking another drag from the cigarette held between his fingers. His voice is husky and worn in comparison to the one in the tapes. Softer even. He takes in the mans appearance as he watches him stare into the river below.  His form lanky in all black clothing, and his scruffy beard looks as if it hasn't been groomed in years. Yet he still looks young.

Taehyung watches as he takes each drag from his cigarette, the air releasing from his lungs. He watches as his chest rises and falls like a predator watching his prey.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

It's sickening; yet Taehyung says nothing.

"What's wrong kid, cat got your tongue?", the man chuckles,"Taeil was speechless when he first realized it was me too."

Taehyung's body tenses at the mention of his brothers name and he involuntary takes a step forward before speaking, "Who are you? Why are we here?"

"My name, I presume you mean, is Minhyul. Choi Minhyul. And I'm sure deep down you already know the answer to your second question." He says with a nasty grin before throwing his burning cigarette butt into the river.

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