TAPE 4: SIDE_B_004

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tApE fOUr siDE_B_004

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tApE fOUr siDE_B_004



HeLLo kiM seOKJIN, ReMemBeR mE?
i hOpE sO
oR mAybE YoU rEmEmBER hYOsuNG...
tHe bOY wHo juMPeD frOM ThE leDgE oF mApO bRiDGe bEcaUSe
oF yOu aNd tHaT fU**iNG pRicK TaEiL.
iT wAS aLL fUn aNd GaMeS tO wAtcH HiM sUFfeR aS yOu mADE HiS LiFE a LiVinG heLL...
wELL noW itS yOUr tUrN...leTs pLaY sEokJiN
ConSidER iT a GiFT BeTweEn tWo oLD friENDS
rEciEvE ThiS WeLL

3 DaYS , 2 hOuRS

fiND hiM bEfOrE i dO sEokJin


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