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4:38 PM June 17, 2018

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4:38 PM June 17, 2018


Following the disappearance of Kim Namjoon, the case of Kim Taeil has resurfaced among the public as police suspected the two disappearances to be related. This speculation came to light after the belongings of Kim Taeil were found in the area Kim Namjoon allegedly drove his vehicle off a bridge and into the Han River—7 years after Kim Taeil's case was closed.

But a question that netizens are dying to know after the news was released is none other than, "Who is Kim Taeil?"

The late Kim Taeil, 23, disappeared December 30, 2011, leaving behind a younger brother and a mother. Three days after his disappearance, his story made headlines after his shoes suddenly appeared tied to the railing of Mapo bridge. The shoes were unfortunately found by Taeil's younger brother, Kim Taehyung which later led police to confirm their authenticity. Resulting from the discovery, Taeil's death was later ruled as an act of suicide. Police and divers spent three weeks scouring the river for the young male and with no luck, his body was never found. Thus the case was closed for good.

Now, after 3 days of investigating following Kim Namjoon's own disappearance, Captain Lee Hongsoo of the Seoul Metropolitan Police department announced a 15-minute press conference, which took place Friday, June 17, 2018. During the conference, Capt. Lee had stated the following, "The two cases have too many similarities to just be looked over by our dept. Which is why I and our investigative team have decided to reopen the late Kim Taeil's case. As of Kim Namjoon's case", Capt. Lee paused and then with a different aura as before, continued, "I have some different news. Because of our lack of evidence, our team will now announce the death of Kim Namjoon.

"Kim Namjoon died of suicide June 14, 2018, after driving his vehicle off a bridge and into the Han River. Until further information about his whereabouts is brought into the light, the case of Kim Namjoon has been put on hold. The Seoul Metro Police Dept. would like to send our deepest condolences to Kim Namjoon's family as well as his fans."

The statement given by Capt. Lee has left many reporters, fans, and netizens in confusion. In response, fans of the now late Kim Namjoon have been protesting along the streets of Seongdong for the last 6 days. Many have even camped out on the sidewalks despite the raging heat of June. But despite the crowds getting larger, and the protests louder, SMPD has made very few arrests as fans have done well to keep the peace, as well as the protests, civil. Further news of the investigation will be revealed, July 7th, 2018, during the next PR Conference.

+12,348 -593
Wow, I can't believe the unprofessionalism of the SMPD. They haven't found a car or a body and they're announcing this poor boy's death...

+56,830 -106
i can't believe this...i can't believe our namjoonie is gone. i just want to die

+54950 -68
this is bullshit. i know namjoon wouldn't do something like this. stan twitter could
solve this case faster than these lazy fucks

+42,392 -30,929
what do those little girls think they're going to solve by standing in the streets harassing police officers who are just doing their job?

+48,829 -23
his poor family...

+58,402 -248
@/minhokwon if the police were doing their job, they wouldn't have ruled his death as a suicide. this case clearly isn't solved...they just don't want to put in the work

+23,830 -3,370
so here's the tea. there's no body, no car, and they've already stated there hasn't been any accidents around the time he went missing. so to me, namjoon is still a missing person.

+23,958 -738
let us not forget the video, why would namjoon upload a video of him driving himself off a bridge? why is the police not talking about that? something's not right

+78,292 -3,392
condolences to his family!

+12,382 -103
@/blink96 exactly! who even uploaded the video to his channel? why are they not investigating that?

+22,832 -1,930
why is no one talking about the fact that they just stated namjoon's case had too many similarities to that taeil guy and yet they closed namjoon's case? i mean...they invstigated the two cases being related yet they close namjoon's and reopen his? what the hell are they doing...

+1039 -4129
lol the prick was a celebrity with millions who loved him? what kind of stress did he have to pull this shit

+959 -10
@/goodboy93 i agree with you, what the fuck is going on...

+79,392 -380
@/jih9984 namjoon is a human being with feelings just like everyone else. he's not a fucking machine

+18,289 -19
ill miss you joonie

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