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[seokjinnie hyung]

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[seokjinnie hyung]

first you need to
listen to the tape again

does it repeat anything?
letters? syllables? numbers?


before it says min, theres
a pause and then something
before it

but like i said i cant
make anything out

record it and send it to me

▶️ You sent an
audio message

thats definitely a p sound

it's obviously a last name, right?



min could be anything

we'll never figure this
out hyung

do you know how many
parks are in seoul?

actually how many parks
are in the fucking
whole of korea?

over half the country came
from the park family line

we'll find him tae

yeah okay

we would be better off
turning this tape back
in to the police


you cant

taehyung you have to
promise me you wont
go to the police with this


did you really just say that?

last i checked hyung

youre not the one
getting a weird ass tape
with your name on it

with some fucked up time
limit and a bunch of

you might as well kill
whoever it is with
you own hands then

you think i dont know
how fucked up this is

i promised you could
trust me, but i need you
to promise you'll
keep the tape between us

you have to promise me

im really sorry hyung

but i cant make that promise




im on my way

tae, where are you?

youre not at home

and youre not at my

damn it tae

tae please

dont go to the police

you're worrying me

please dont go to the police

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