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hobi hyunggggg😁 changed the group name to

seriously hyung

hobi hyunggggg😁:

i couldn't stand it being blank

why would you leave it blank

it doesn't matter

what the gc is named hoseok

hobi hyunggggg😁:

have you heard
from seokjin


i met with him at the
bus stop this morning

seokjinnie hyung

im here

hobi hyunggggg😁
okay good

so where are you guys

since you started without me


rn im back at the bus stop
bc yonsei wouldn't let me in
without a student id

seokjinnie hyung
told you so

hobi hyunggggg😁
oh yeah i forgot about
private schools

everyone needs to mark those off their list

what about you seokjin?

had any luck?

seokjinnie hyung

i just talked to
some old professors of
mine at hanyang and they wouldn't tell me anything

i don't think anyone is going to
tell us anything

we'll find out something eventually

we'll just have to stick
around to asking students

seokjinnie hyung
taehyung we can't just
keep going around
HARASSING students

hobi hyunggggg😁

someone nearly called
campus security on me and all i did was pull into the reserved parking

what choice do we have hyung?

seokjinnie hyung
we need more, there has to be something more that we're missing

a code, a sign, something

there isn't anything else!

we have the tapes and texts,
thats it

no other clues

no other cyphers

nothing but a stupid
fucking name


all im saying is

we cant keep harassing students

otherwise one of us is going to
get arrested

okay fine

do you just want me to quit?

give up?

let park jimin die?

seokjinnie hyung
you know thats not
what i meant

well what else do you
want me to do?

huh hyung?

i can't exactly just sit on my
ass and hope this all passes

because there is nothing else i can do

hobi hyunggggg😁
how long have you guys been fighting like this?

we haven't

seokjinnie hyung
yes we have

which i thought we
were done with fighting

but apparently taehyung has
something else going on

hobi hyunggggg😁

seokjinnie hyung
all im trying to fucking say
is one of us is going to get
hurt doing it this way


i would rather get hurt in place of someone else DYING any day

great my bus is here

look, ill do this my way,
until you fucking


figure out something else

otherwise both
of you just leave me the
fuck alone for the time being

hobi hyunggggg😁
wait what did i do?

seokjinnie hyung
stfu hoseok

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