New Team

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Jiyeon *excited* : "Oppa, let's play game again!"

Jisoo : "I can't. I need to study for my exam."

Jiyeon : "What should I do now?"

Jisoo : "If you want to play, just login. You can form your own team or just wait until someone sends you request to join their teams.  I'm sure you'll get requests from players because your level is quite high now."

5 minutes later.

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B100Hyun :  @Baekkaebsong Thanks for accepting the request!  😁😁😁

zkdlin : @Baekkaebsong Welcome to our team! 😁

realpcy : Let's defeat the enemies together! Hwaiting!  😀

hztttao : @Baekkaebsong Welcome! Just follow our leader and we'll finish this round in a blink! 😎

Baekkaebsong : Who's the leader?

Yehet94 : @Baekkaebsong B100Hyun

zyxzjs : @Baekkaebsong let's work together, hwaiting!! 😃😃

Baekkaebsong : Thanks everyone! I'll work hard to defeat the enemies.  😅 😆

Baekkaebsong : @B100Hyun Please guide me, master.

B100Hyun : Mission starts!! Follow my lead! 

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35 minutes later.

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realpcy : Great game! We all did well! 😎😎😎

zyxzjs : I need to go off now. Need to continue my work. 😔

zkdlin went offline.

hztttao went offline.

B100Hyun : @Baekkaebsong Do you still wanna play? There is another mission for 2-player team. 😀 😀  

Yehet94 went offline.

zyxzjs went offline.

realpcy went offline.

Baekkaebsong : Sure. Send me the request, master! 😉

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20 minutes later.

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B100Hyun :  You are very good! How long have you been playing this game? I thought you're a new player... I've never seen your before... 🤔

Baekkaebsong : Only 2 weeks. But I played it like 18 hours everyday to up my level kekekeke  

B100Hyun :  😲 Don't you have anything else to do???

Baekkaebsong : I've already graduated from high school and my college will start next month.  I have plenty time to play. 🙂

Baekkaebsong : Master, let's do another mission! 😀

B100Hyun : I'm sorry I can't. I need to logout in 5 minutes. I have to go to sleep early tonight. Tomorrow I need to wake up early. 

Baekkaebsong : Owh... Okay.

B100Hyun : @Baekkaebsong Wait!!!!

Baekkaebsong : What?

B100Hyun : Please login to this server again 3 days from now at 10 PM to do another mission together with my team.

Baekkaebsong : Okay.

B100Hyun : I'll wait for you. 🙂

B100Hyun went offline.

Baekkaebsong went offline.

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