Connected by Phone

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Baekkaebsong : Good morning, master! 🙂 

B100Hyun : Morning. How was it? Working in SM...🙂 

Baekkaebsong : I love it. 😍 😍😍

Baekkaebsong : Master, yesterday I met EXO! 😍They're so handsome, especially Baekhyun!  😍 😍😍 

B100Hyun : I know! 😁Baekhyun is indeed the most handsome member in EXO. 😁 😁 😁

Baekkaebsong : But, it's too bad I didn't get to talk with Baekhyun yesterday.  😭😭😭

B100Hyun : It was your own fault. You shouldn't have run away yesterday. 

Baekkaebsong : I was afraid I would be fired if I got caught fangirling. 😣 😣

B100Hyun : Aa~ I see. 

Baekkaebsong : Master, have you thought about your wish?  🙂 🙂

B100Hyun : No, I haven't.

Baekkaebsong : I have to go now. I don't wanna be late for work. Bye master.  🙂 

B100Hyun : Bye Jiyeon. 🙂 

Baekkaebsong went offline.

B100Hyun went offline.

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Jiyeon : "Wait a second... How did master know that I ran away from Baekhyun yesterday??? "

2 hours later.

Sooae : "Jiyeon, I want you to bring all these costumes to EXO's make up room. Don't forget to group the costumes according to the member's name. Don't mix it."

Jiyeon : "Okay eonni."

20 minutes later.

EXO members came into the make up room when Jiyeon was arranging their costumes.

Jiyeon *flutter* : "I must calm down.... Calm down, Jiyeon... Calm down."

Baekhyun : "Excuse me... Hey you."

Jiyeon *turn to Baekhyun* : "Yes...?"

Baekhyun : "Do you have a phone charger? I wanna borrow it."

Jiyeon *nervous* : "Sure. I'll get it for you. Please wait."

Jiyeon ran to get her phone charger from her bag in her locker.


Chanyeol : "Baekhyun-ah, you can use my power bank."

Baekhyun : "No, thanks."

10 minutes later.

Jiyeon *give phone charger to Baekhyun* : "Here it is."

Baekhyun chuckled when he saw a small sticker with writings: I ♡ Baek Hyun attached on the head of the phone charger.

Baekhyun *smile* : "Thank you. You can come back here to get it later. I'll leave it here when I am done."

Jiyeon *try to calm down*: "Okay... Excuse me."

Jiyeon left EXO make up room immediately because of nervous.

Baekhyun didn't charge his phone because his phone battery was still 40%.

2 hours later.

Jiyeon went to EXO's make up room to get her phone charger. Jiyeon saw Baekhyun's phone still being charged.

LUCKY ONE [EXO Baekhyun]Where stories live. Discover now