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Baekhyun : "Manager hyung, what time we will leave Busan?"

Manager : "2 hours from now."

Baekhyun : "Okay."

Baekhyun wore his mask and hat and a name tag of the staff on his neck, then he sneaked out from the back stage room and went to Pusan National University by a taxi. 

Chanyeol, Sehun and Tao quickly disguised themselves and followed Baekhyun by a taxi secretly.

15 minutes later.

Sehun : "What is Baekhyun doing at Pusan National University?"

Chanyeol : "Hyoseong studies at Pusan National University."

Tao : "Did Baekhyun come here to meet Hyoseong?" 

Chanyeol : "Baekhyun said Baekkaebsong was busy with her college... It means Hyoseong is the real Baekkaebsong!"

Sehun : "But Baekkaebsong said Hyoseong was a best friend."

Tao : "This is so confusing... But guys... We need to go now... Some college students are looking at us."

Sehun : "Do you think they recognize us?"

Tao : "Nooo. It's because we behave like suspicious people!"

Chanyeol : "Come on, let's leave."


Baekhyun *look around* : "Ah! What am I doing here? I forgot to ask what major she took in college... What should I do now? "

Baekhyun : "Excuse me... Do you know Hong Ji Yeon? She is a fresh year college student here."

Girl : "Do you mean Jiyeon who took Architectural Engineering major?"

Baekhyun *unsure* : "Yes... Can you take me to meet her?"

Girl : "She is sick now... I am not sure if she wants to meet you."

Baekhyun : "Uhm... Can you tell her that B100Hyun wants to see her?"

Girl *speak on phone* : "Jiyeon-ah... Someone is looking for you. He said he is B100Hyun and he wants to meet you... Ah... Okay, I got it." 

Girl : "Please come with me."

Baekhyun followed the girl. They stopped near the entrance of the female dorm building. 

Girl : "You can wait here. She'll be here soon."

Baekhyun : "Thank you."

The girl left Baekhyun and Jiyeon showed up a minute later.

Jiyeon *shocked* : "Master!! What are you doing here?"

Baekhyun *chuckle* : "Making sure you don't lie to me... You indeed study here." 

Jiyeon saw Baekhyun's staff name tag.

Jiyeon *excited* : "Master,  you are EXO staff??  Wow! You are a very lucky fan!! You can be close to Baekhyun! I am so jealous of you!"

Baekhyun *laugh* : "I am not EXO Staff... I stole this name tag... I am not Baekhyun's fan... I am Baekhyun."

Jiyeon *laugh* : "I don't believe you... If you are really EXO Baekhyun then I will give all my money to you right now."

Baekhyun : "What a silly girl... Why did you say that? I really wanna show you my face, but I don't want you to lose your money... Hmph..."

Baekhyun : "I have to go now. You look pale. Get enough rest and don't forget to take your medicine. Get well soon. See you in game."

Jiyeon *smile broadly* : "Thank you very much master! I am so happy you stopped by to visit me. See you in game!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hyoseong took some pictures of her EXO album collection, EXO posters and her EXO lightstick and then posted them online for sale.

Jiyeon *startled* : "Why are you selling your collection?"

Hyoseong : "I need money to buy EXO new album."

Jiyeon : "EXO new album is not pricey. Do you need money for something else too?"

Hyoseong *nervous* : "I wanna buy EXO new album as many as possible."

Jiyeon *laugh* : "Until you get Chanyeol poster?"

Hyoseong laughed nervously and nodded.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Luhan : "I know you need money. I can give you the money. You just need to do it."

Hyoseong : "Uhm...."

Luhan : "Just think about the money you can make from this job."

Hyoseong : "Can you give me more time to think about it?"

Luhan : "Okay. You know my phone number right?"

Hyoseong nodded.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jiyeon : "Where are you going this late?"

Hyoseong *nervous* : "Meeting a friend."

Jiyeon : "At this hour?"

Hyoseong : "Yes."

Hyoseong left the dorm in a hurry and went to a hotel to meet Luhan.

Luhan *smile* : "I know this is your first time. Don't be afraid. You'll soon get used to it."

Hyoseong took off her clothes.

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