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Jiyeon was playing her online game on her laptop when Kris came to the library.

Kris : "Why do you always sit in my seat? Move..."

Jiyeon ignored Kris because she didn't hear Kris. Kris pulled Jiyeon's earphones from her ears. Jiyeon got startled and looked at Kris.

Kris used hand gestures, telling Jiyeon to move from his usual seat. Jiyeon moved to the next seat and continued playing her game. Kris sat in his usual seat and folded his hands on the table then slept.

1 hour later.

When Kris woke up, Jiyeon was turning off her laptop.

Kris : "I'll wait for you near the main gate tomorrow night."

Jiyeon *confused* : "What?"

Kris left Jiyeon immediately after saying that.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

EXO-K members came to Busan for photo shots. After finishing the photo shots at the spring flowers field, all members went to the hotel.

Kyungsoo and Suho had dinner together in the hotel room. Meanwhile Chanyeol, Kai, Sehun and Baekhyun covered their looks with hats and masks and they went to Pusan National University.

When Baekhyun, Kai, Sehun and Chanyeol arrived at the entrance of Pusan National University, Jiyeon and Hyoseong were walking from their dorm to the university entrance while chatting with laughter.

When Hyoseong and Jiyeon arrived at the entrance of Pusan National University, suddenly Kris showed up and approached Jiyeon.

Kris *stare at Jiyeon* : "I want you to be my girlfriend."

Jiyeon *shocked* : "But we don't know each other... Why suddenly?"

Kris : "I like you."

Jiyeon : "I'm sorry... I can't."

Kris *disappointed* : "Why?"

Jiyeon *lie nervously* : "I... I already have a boyfriend."

Sehun *step forward* : "Please leave her alone. She already has a boyfriend."

Kris *look at Sehun* : "Are you her boyfriend?"

Baekhyun *step forward* : "I am her boyfriend."

Jiyeon *mumble while looking at Baekhyun* : "Master..."

Kris to Jiyeon : "I'm sorry... I thought you're single."

Kris left immediately.

Baekhyun : "Let's go guys!"

The six of them left Pusan National University and walked to the nearest restaurant. They booked a VIP room for dinner.

Hyoseong *look at Chanyeol* : "Why do you wear sunglasses indoor?" 

Chanyeol : "Because I love it."

Chanyeol : "Because I don't want you to recognize me or this dinner will be ruined."

Sehun : "Girls, you can order whatever you want. Our leader said he would take care of the bill."

Baekhyun : "When did I say that?"

Kai : "You are the leader. Of course it's your duty to take care of the bill."

Jiyeon *smile* : "Thank you for saving me earlier."

Sehun : "No need to thank us. As fellow players we have to help each other."

Sehun : "Jisoo, I just saved your girlfriend."

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