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Kris : "This is my seat."

Jiyeon : "Sorry."

Jiyeon moved from the seat in the corner of the library to the next seat to continue her college assignment. Kris sat down in the corner of the library and folded his hands on the table then slept.

2 hours later.

Jiyeon had finished her college assignment and Kris was still sleeping. Jiyeon inserted all her books into her bag.

Suddenly a mosquito perched on Kris' hand. Jiyeon who saw the mosquito on Kris' hand, hit the mosquito with reflexes and caused Kris to wake up.

Jiyeon : "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to wake you up."

Kris : "Buy me kimchi ramyeon. I am hungry."

Jiyeon *confused* : "What?"

Kris grabbed Jiyeon's hand and took her to leave the library and went to the canteen.

Kris *sit down* : "I don't have money. Buy me kimchi ramyeon and orange juice. I'll wait here."

Jiyeon sighed and then she went to buy what Kris wanted.

10 minutes later.

Jiyeon : "Here are your kimchi ramyeon and orang juice."

Kris : "Thank you. Tell me your name and your major. I'll pay you back when I have money."

Jiyeon : "No need. Just enjoy your food. I have to go now."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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realpcy : Let's celebrate our victory with dinner together this Saturday. 😃

Baekkaebsong : I'm sorry, I can't. 🙁🙁🙁

Yehet94 : @Baekkaebsong Don't worry, we can have dinner near your university. We know you can't come to us so we will come to you. 😁 😁

Baekkaebsong : ??

realpcy : We will come to Busan. 😀 

Baekkaebsong : Busan?

hztttao : @Baekkaebsong Stop pretending, we know everything. 😆 😆😆

Baekkaebsong : @hztttao What do you know? 🤨 

hztttao : @Baekkaebsong You are not Jisoo. 😋 

Yehet94 : @Baekkaebsong You are a girl. 😉 

realpcy : @Baekkaebsong You study at Pusan National University, right? 😀 😁 

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Jiyeon : "How do they know? Did master tell them everything? But It looks like they are not mad at me."

Hyoseong came into the room.

Hyoseong : "Jiyeon, professor is looking for you."

Jiyeon *gasp* : "Oh no! I forgot to submit my assignment!"

Jiyeon ran to get her college assignment from her desk and rushed out of her room to immediately submit her college assignment.

Hyoseong saw the chat on Jiyeon's laptop and she chuckled.

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Baekkaebsong : You are right. I am a girl and I study at Pusan National University. 😊 😊😊

realpcy : So, do you want to have dinner with us? 😃

Baekkaebsong : Okay. 😉

Yehet94 : We will come to your university and pick you up at 9 PM. 🙂

Baekkaebsong : Can I take my friend with me? 😃😃😃

hztttao : Sure, you can take your friend with you. 🙂

Baekkaebsong : Thank you guys! 😁😁😁

realpcy : See you this Saturday. 😀

hzttao went offline.

Yehet94 went offline.

realpcy went offline.

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Jiyeon returned.

Jiyeon : "I am so lucky, my assignment was submitted before the time was up."

Hyoseong *grin* : "Jiyeon-ah, you should thank me. I just made a blind date for you."

Jiyeon *confused* : "What are you talking about?"

Hyoseong showed her chat with Jiyeon's online gaming teammates. Jiyeon was shocked when she read the chat.

Jiyeon *sigh* : "Why did you do that? Hyoseong-ah, I don't wanna have dinner with strangers... My parents will scold me if they know."

Hyoseong : "Just keep it secret from your parents. They live far away from here. They won't know if you have dinner with the boys. Besides, I will accompany you. You won't be alone. By the way, don't you want to meet them outside the game? Don't you curious of how their faces look like?"

Jiyeon : "No, Hyoseong. You know that I don't like doing this."

Hyoseong : "You'll never have a boyfriend if you keep behaving like this. Come on."

Jiyeon *smile* : "I don't mind to be single. I have Baekhyun."

Hyoseong : "Oh girl! You should stop dreaming! Do you think EXO wanna date an ordinary girl like us, huh? Jiyeon-ah, please wake up... Besides, I'm not telling you to fall in love with your online gaming friends, I'm just saying that you need to make friends with opposite gender too."

Jiyeon *sigh* : "Okay."

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