Lucky One

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Chanyeol : "Where is Baekhyun?" 

Xiumin : "We haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon."

Chen *point finger at Baekhyun* : "O! There he is!"

Chanyeol to Baekhyun : "Where have you been?"

Suho : "Come on everyone! Don't make manager hyung upset."

1 hour later.

Baekhyun, Chen, Xiumin, Suho and Chanyeol with the staffs arrived at Incheon International Airport.

When Chanyeol went to the restroom, Kris also went to the restroom.

Suddenly Kris's phone rang.

Kris *speak on phone* : "What? Your article has bee deleted due to the user reports??... I want you to post it again... I don't care! You can write anything you like about her! This time you can write her name too! Hong Ji Yeon from Pusan National University... You know what? She said she has a boyfriend. She rejected me but then she met another guy in a hotel. She is just a bitch!... Okay, I'll send you again the photos..."

Luhan who came out from toilet room before Kris ended his call, threw a punch at Kris.

Chanyeol was shocked and he quickly got into the vacant toilet room to avoid the trouble.

Luhan : "So, it's you! How dare you do that to Jiyeon???"

Kris : "It's not your business! Stay out of this!"

Luhan : "Of course it's my business! Jiyeon came to the hotel to solve Hyoseong's problem with me. We did nothing at the hotel, she even saved me! I owe her my life! Delete my photos with Jiyeon or I will report you to the police for defamation! We both know that the article is not true! Leave her alone if you don't want to deal with the police."

Luhan left the restroom after he witnessed Kris delete his photos with Jiyeon on Kris' smartphone.

When Chanyeol got out from the toilet room, Kris and Luhan had left. Chanyeol told everything he learned to Baekhyun.

It turned out that Kris, Luhan, and EXO members took the same flight to Beijing. 

3 hours later.

Suho, Chen, Xiumin, Baekhyun and Chanyeol gathered with Kai, Kyungsoo and Sehun who arrived in Beijing 6 hours early and Lay who was staying in Beijing. 

Tao was injured and being hospitalised so he couldn't participate at Yin Yue Tai  Music Showcase in Beijing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Suho, Sehun, Kai, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Chen, Xiumin and Baekhyun came back to South Korea meanwhile Lay stayed in Beijing for his individual activities.

Sehun : "I feel bad now. I have said something bad to Jiyeon."

Suho : "You have to apologize to her if you feel bad."

Sehun : "I hope her relationship with Jisoo is fine."

Baekhyun *chuckle* : "Don't worry about that. They will be okay.  I know Jisoo loves his dongsaeng very much."

Sehun *confused* : "Dongsaeng?"

Baekhyun *smile* : "Jiyeon is Jisoo's dongsaeng. That time Jiyeon asked Jisoo to pretend as Baekkaebsong because she lied to us about her gender."

Chanyeol *confused* : "Then Hyoseong really has nothing to do with our online game?"

Baekhyun : "Yep! Hyoseong is Jiyeon's best friend. They share a room in university dorm."

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