Working Part Time

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Jiyeon and all college students left university dorm and went home because the academic year of college had ended. The new academic year would begin again in two weeks.

Jisoo came to Pusan National University to pick Jiyeon up.

Jisoo : "Do you wanna work part-time in my office?"

Jiyeon : "Nope."

Jisoo : "Don't spend your holiday to play online game all the time."

Jiyeon : "I know. That's why I'm going to work part-time in SM Entertainment. One of my college friend has a cousin who works there and she recommended me to work part-time there."

Jisoo *laugh* : "Don't forget to treat me when you get your paycheck later."

Jiyeon *grin* : "Okay!"

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Jiyeon was looking at Baekhyun's phone number which she saved in her phone contact list.

Jiyeon : "Is this really Baekhyun's phone number? Should I try to call him?... No, I don't wanna disturb him. I don't want him to think I am a sasaeng fan... I better play my game."

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B100Hyun : Finally! You are online! How are you?? 😃

Baekkaebsong : Hi, master! I'm fine. What about you? 😁

B100Hyun : I am good. I've been looking for you all this time. 😃 😃

Baekkaebsong : I'm sorry. 😓I was really busy with my college. 😪  Master, are you free today?  😀 I can only play game today. Tomorrow I will start working part time. 🙂

B100Hyun : Uh, sorry. 😟 I am busy. I need to logout in 5 minutes. Let's just chat. 🙂

Baekkaebsong : Okay. 🙂🙂

Baekkaebsong : Master, can you guess where I will work part time?  😃 😃

B100Hyun : No.... You tell me...🙂

Baekkaebsong : I will work part time at SM!! 😁🤩😎

B100Hyun : That's good! You'll get a lot of chances to meet Baekhyun. Hwaiting!  🙋🏻‍♂️

Baekkaebsong : I hope so. 😁 Thank you, master. 👩‍

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Jiyeon smiled broadly when she got the name tag as staff.

Sooae : "Come with me."

Jiyeon followed Sooae.

Sooae : "You are not allowed fangirling on our artists. If we see you do that, you won't be allowed to work here anymore, understand? You need to focus on your job."

Jiyeon : "Yes, I understand."

Sooae : "Good. Now bring all these costumes to Super Junior's make up room. You must hang it by grouping the costumes according to the member's name. Don't mix it. When you're done, come back here. I'll give you something else to do."

Jiyeon *smile broadly* : "Okay eonni, I understand."

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Sooae : "Jiyeon please go with Seolbin."

Jiyeon followed Seolbin.

Jiyeon : "Yesterday I didn't get to see EXO. I hope today I can see EXO."

Seolbin : "Ten will celebrate his birthday with NCTzens in the afternoon. I want you to help the staffs with the balloons. Pump all the balloons and tie with the ribbons. You can leave all balloons on the stage, the staffs will do the rest for the stage decoration. Then you can check the goody bags for NCTzens. There are 500 goody bags and each bag must contain 5 items. If you find the bag contains less than 5 items, ask the staff to complete its contents, got it?"

Jiyeon : "Yes, I got it."

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Jiyeon *sigh*: "I thought by working here, I could see Baekhyun everyday..."

Sooae : "Jiyeon-ah..."

Jiyeon *starled* : "Yes, eonni."

Sooae : "It's lunch time now. You can continue your work later."

Jiyeon : "Eonni, I'm almost done."

Suddenly Sooae's phone rang.

Sooae *speak on phone* : "Tell me where it is... I'll send it there right away."

Jiyeon : "Eonni, I'm done... I'll go for lunch now."

Sooae *feel bad* : "Jiyeon-ah, I'm sorry but can you help me? It's urgent. I have a meeting with someone for lunch, if not then I will do it by myself."

Jiyeon *smile* : "Sure. What can I help you with?"

Sooae gave Jiyeon money and a piece of paper and 3 shopping bags containing 8 pairs of shoes.

Sooae *smile* : "Please send these shoes to the address on the paper. Please take a taxi. Minhee is waiting. She forgot to bring these shoes and she needs these shoes for photo shots after lunch break. Please have a lunch after delivering these shoes, before you come back here. Buy anything you like, okay?"

Jiyeon *grin* : "Okay. Thank you, eonni!"

Sooae *smile* : "It should be me who says that. Thank you, Jiyeon-ah."

20 minutes later.

Jiyeon : "Excuse me, I came here for Minhee."

Guy *shout* : "Minhee-ah! Someone is looking for you!"

Minhee ran approaching Jiyeon and took the shopping bags from Jiyeon's hands. 

Minhee : "Thank you so much. Sorry to trouble you."

Jiyeon *smile* : "No, it's okay."

Minhee : "Have you eaten lunch yet?"

Jiyeon : "Not yet."

Minhee put the shopping bags on the couch.  

Minhee *smile* : "You must be hungry. Come on, come with me. We have buffet for lunch here."

Minhee took Jiyeon to a room where the staffs were eating lunch. Jiyeon was startled when she saw EXO members were there eating their lunch along with the staffs.

Sehun *startled* : "Isn't that Jisoo's girlfriend?"

Baekhyun *smile* : "Finally we can meet each other."

Chanyeol *surprised* : "What is she doing here?"

Xiumin *look at EXO members in confusion* : "Who?"

Kai : "A friend from online game."

Suho : "O! I know her! Her group got first place at the game competition, am I right?"

Chen : "Does she know you guys are EXO?"

Chanyeol : "We never say anything to her. I don't think she knows."

Kyungsoo : "Maybe she is a friend of Minhee noona."

Suho : "Yaa! Why do you guys ignore me?"  

Everyone laughed and Baekhyun walked approaching Jiyeon and Minhee.

Jiyeon *nervous* : "I'm sorry... Minhee eonni, I have to go back now. Suddenly I remember there is something I need to do.  Bye!"

Minhee : "O, okay. Bye."

Baekhyun *look at Jiyeon confusedly* : "Why is she running away from me? "

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