Meeting Master

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1 week later.

Jisoo *smile* : "Where do you want to go today? Oppa will accompany you."

Jiyeon *grin* : "Let's go out for a movie!"

Mother : "Jiyeon, have you finished packing?"

Jiyeon : "Yes, eomma."

Mother : "Please come home before 7 PM.  Appa promised to come home before 7 PM too. Let's have dinner together before you leave for college."

Jisoo : "Don't worry eomma, I'll bring Jiyeon home before 7 PM."

Meanwhile in EXO dorm...

Chanyeol : "I am going to Suho hyung's premiere movie show. Anyone wants to come with me?"

Kyungsoo : "Me."

Sehun : "I'll go with you too."

Chanyeol : "What about you, Kai?"

Kai : "I wanna practice my solo dance."

Lay : "I need to continue composing my song, sorry guys."

Baekhyun : "Hwaiting Kai! Hwaiting Lay hyung! Come on, guys!"

Chanyeol : "What about Tao, Minseok hyung and Chen?"

Sehun : "Tao and Minseok hyung are exercising now."

Baekhyun : "Chen has a recording for OST this afternoon, he can't come with us."

Chanyeol, Sehun, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo left EXO dorm and went to watch Suho's premiere movie.

3 hours later.

Kyungsoo : "I'm hungry. Let's eat before we go back to dorm."

Chanyeol : "O! Isn't that Jisoo the Baekkaebsong?"

Sehun : "Where?"

Chanyeol *point finger at Jisoo and Jiyeon* : "There!"

Baekhyun *look at Jiyeon* : "She is with her boyfriend."

Sehun *look at Jisoo* : "He is with his girlfriend."

Chanyeol : "His girlfriend is a good player too. I remember her team got 1st place!"

Baekhyun : "I wanna talk to Jisoo. You guys go first. I'll catch up later."

Kyungsoo : "Okay. We'll wait for you at the usual restaurant."

Baekhyun approached Jisoo and Jiyeon who were waiting for a taxi.

Baekhyun : "Baekkaebsong!"

Jiyeon turned to Baekhyun who was wearing a mask and a hat and then she nudged Jisoo.

Baekhyun : "Sorry for being late giving you the prize money. I've been really busy these past few days. I don't have time to login to our game. I'm glad we met here."

Jisoo *smile* : "No, it's okay."

Baekhyun took out some cash from his wallet and then gave it to Jisoo.

Jisoo *smile* : "Thank you."

Baekhyun *look at Jiyeon* : "Okay, I'll leave now. I won't bother you and your girlfriend."

Jisoo *laugh* : "She isn't my girlfriend. She is my dongsaeng. Her name is Jiyeon."

Jisoo : "Jiyeon, this is B100Hyun."

Jiyeon gasped and then she stared at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun to Jisoo : "How do you know it's me?"

Jisoo *chuckle* : "From your voice."

Baekhyun *laugh* : "Aa~ I see."

Jiyeon *mumble in low voice* : "Master...?"

Baekhyun  : "Nice to meet you, Jiyeon."

Jisoo : "I'm sorry but we have to go now."

Baekhyun : "Okay."

Jisoo and Jiyeon got on the taxi immediately to go home.

Baekhyun : "So... Jiyeon is not Jisoo's girlfriend..."

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EXO members were busy with EXO's comeback.

Jisoo and his friends were busy with their work after graduating from college.

Jiyeon only did single missions when she was free to up her level because her teammates or Jisoo's teammates were never online anymore.

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3 months later.

Sehun : "We've never seen Baekkaebsong again since we returned to play this game a week ago. Do you guys think he stopped playing this game? He is usually online at this hour at night."

Baekhyun : "I think she is busy with her college now."

Chanyeol : "She???"

Baekhyun *nervous* : "I mean he... He is busy with his college."

Tao *stare at Baekhyun* : "You are very suspicious!"

Baekhyun *laugh nervously* : "Nooo, I am not! What? Why do you think like that?" 

Baekhyun left Sehun, Chanyeol and Tao immediately. He went to his room to avoid being asked by the three of them.

Chanyeol : "Now, I just realized that every time we all went offline, Baekhyun was still chatting with Baekkaebsong... Maybe Baekkaebsong is really a girl."

Sehun : "No, it can't be! We played with Baekkaebsong at the game competition. Baekkaebsong is a guy and his name is Jisoo. We all know about that."

Tao : "Something is fishy... Hmm... I'm curious."

Chanyeol *smirk* : "Let's find out!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2 days later.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B100Hyun : Hello... It has been awhile since we went online together. 😀

Baekkaebsong : Hello master... Yes, it has been awhile. 😀

B100Hyun : Others are busy now. Since there is only you and me, why don't we try to do the hardest mission? Let's share the prize just for both of us! 😆

Baekkaebsong : Okay. 😆

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2 hours later.

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B100Hyun : Since we won the battle and completed the hardest mission. I think we can join the up coming game competition and win it. It's 2 weeks from now. What do you say? 😀 😀

Baekkaebsong : I'm sorry, master... I can't join the game competition. I live in the university dorm now.

B100Hyun : What university?

Baekkaebsong : Pusan National University.

B100Hyun : But the up coming game competition will be held online. We can do it at home. 😀

Baekkaebsong : Owh... Okay! Let's join the competition and win it, master! 😀 😀

B100Hyun : Uh! Sorry... I just checked my schedule... I can't join the game competition. I have work to do on that day. You can join it with someone else. Don't wait for me.

Baekkaebsong : Okay.

B100Hyun went offline.

Baekkaebsong went offline.

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