A Little Secret

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3 days later.

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Yehet94 : Let's do the 4-player mission. 🤩 

realpcy : Yeah, let's do it! Today is the last day. 🤩

Baekkaebsong : Where is master?

zkdlin : @Baekkaebsong Who?

Baekkaebsong : @zkdlin B100Hyun

realpcy : Leader is busy. 😫

Yehet94 : Forget him, let's do the mission without him. 😆

Baekkaebsong : Okay! 😅 

hztttao : Hey! What about me??😭

zkdlin : @hztttao You are late 😋 

realpcy : Let's start the mission. 🤩

hztttao went offline.

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50 minutes later.

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realpcy : @Baekkaebsong Wow! You're good, indeed! 👏You are better than our leader! 👍

Yehet94 : We have to change our leader. 😄

Baekkaebsong : @realpcy I was just lucky. 😃

B100hyun : @Yehet94 What do you mean by changing leader? 😠

Yehet94 : 😋😅

zkdlin : Cool! We won again! 😎  

Yehet94 went offline.  

B100Hyun : @Baekkaebsong I'm sorry for not giving you the prize money after promising to meet each other at the manga cafe. 😓😓

realpcy went offline.

zkdlin went offline.  

Baekkaebsong : Don't worry about that. I also didn't come to the manga cafe. I am sorry.😟

B100Hyun : You didn't come to the manga cafe? Are you sure? 🤔

Baekkaebsong : No, I didn't and I am sure. Master, can you transfer the money to my bank account?

B100Hyun : I am free tomorrow night. How about we meet each other at Han river at 10 PM? I don't wanna transfer the money. I wanna give it directly to your hands. 

Baekkaebsong : I am sorry, I can't. 

B100Hyun : Okay. You pick the day, as long as it's not on weekend because I can't meet you on the weekend. 

Baekkaebsong : Master, I changed my mind. You can keep the money. 🙂

B100Hyun : Why?

Baekkaebsong : I don't need the money anymore.

B100Hyun : I am sorry if you think I tricked you but I really wanna give you the money. Let's meet up, okay?

Baekkaebsong : I am sorry...  I just can't meet you.

B100Hyun : Why? 

B100Hyun : Hello... Are you still there?

B100Hyun : Are you mad at me?

B100Hyun : @Baekkaebsong Hello...

B100Hyun : ...  

B100Hyun : @Baekkaebsong 

Baekkaebsong : Master... 

B100Hyun : Yes?

Baekkaebsong : Actually... 

B100Hyun : What?

Baekkaebsong : I lied to you... I am sorry... 😔

B100Hyun : And?

Baekkaebsong : Please forgive me. 😣😣

B100Hyun : Tell me what you lied about...

Baekkaebsong : Uhm... It's...

B100Hyun : Let me guess...🤔 

B100Hyun : Your real name is not Jisoo? 🤨

Baekkaebsong : Yes... I am sorry.... 😓😓😓

B100Hyun : So what is your real name?

Baekkaebsong : Jiyeon... Hong Ji Yeon.

B100Hyun : I can tell that you are a girl from your name. 😄

Baekkaebsong : Yes, I am a girl. 😏

B100Hyun : Okay. Since you are honest with me, I forgive you.

Baekkaebsong : Really?

B100Hyun : *Baekhyun smiling photo attached*

Baekkaebsong : Wow! Where did you get this photo? This is Baekhyun recently! I just met him 4 days ago at a manga cafe...

B100Hyun : So, you actually came to the manga cafe to meet me? 

Baekkaebsong : Oops! 😥 Yes... I'm sorry, I don't want you to know that I came and waited for you... I don't want you to feel bad...

B100Hyun : Now I feel bad... ☹️

Baekkaebsong : I am sorry master... I lied to you again... 😓 😔 

B100Hyun : Promise me not to lie anymore.

Baekkaebsong : Okay master, I promise you. 🙂

B100Hyun : Let's keep this just between us. Don't let my friends know about you. Let them think you are a guy named Jisoo.  😉 😁🤣

Baekkaebsong : Okay. 😅

B100Hyun : I have to go now. Minseok hyung called me.

Baekkaebsong : Hahaha  🤣 🤣🤣

Baekkaebsong : I'll go too because I have a date with Baekhyun. 😋

B100Hyun :  You just promised me not to lie. 🤣🤣 

Baekkaebsong : You lied to me first. 🤣

B100Hyun : I didn't lie to you.

B100Hyun : Bye Jiyeon. 🙂

Baekkaebsong : Bye master. 🙂

B100Hyun went offline.

Baekkaebsong went offline.

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