Dream Come True

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Kai *smile* : "It's good to see Jiyeon again. What a coincidence she's the winner."

Chanyeol *chuckle* : "Actually, the winner is Park Hyo Seong."

Kyungsoo *surprised* : "How can you do that to the real winner?"

Chanyeol : "Don't worry. No one knows and I'll make up for this later."

Sehun *smile in relief* : "I'm glad Jiyeon didn't mad at me."

Baekhyun *rub stomach* : "Oh, I am so hungry."

Chen : "Me too."

Suho to Manager : "Hyung, can we eat lunch before we go back to Seoul?"

Manager : "Sure."

Xiumin *sing happily* : "Marsh~mellow..."

EXO went to eat lunch at the nearest restaurant.

Baekhyun called Jiyeon.

Baekhyun *speak on phone* : "Jiyeon-ah, do you know Park Hyo Seong?.. Ah! Is that so?... That's good! Can you bring her to Hoho Chicken House?...  But, please don't make it too obvious that we want to meet her...  Okay, thank you."

20 minutes later.

Hyoseong : "Why suddenly Jiyeon wants to eat Hoho chicken? "

Hyoseong saw EXO and she couldn't help but fangirling. EXO also saw Hyoseong.

Baekhyun *smile* : "That's her! Our winner, Park Hyo Seong, Jiyeon's best friend."

Chanyeol pretended want to order something, so he lined up behind Hyoseong.

Hyoseong *turn around* : "Can I take a picture with you, Chanyeol oppa?"

Chanyeol *smile* : "Sure."

Hyoseong and Chanyeol took a selca with Hyoseong's phone.

Chanyeol : "Wanna take a picture with all members?"

Hyoseong nodded enthusiastically.

Chanyeol took Hyoseong to EXO and then Hyoseong took a group photo with EXO with the help from EXO manager by using Hyoseong's phone.

Girl *shout* : "Hey there! Your order is ready!"

Hyoseong went to take her order after thanking EXO.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3 months later. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

zkdlin : we need one more player to do this mission. 😫 

Yehet94 : I wish Baekkaebsong is here with us. 😪 😫

Baekkaebsong : Hello everyone! 😃 😃😃

realpcy : @Baekkaebsong Hi! Nice to see you online again. 😀 

Baekkaebsong : Where is the leader?  🙂 

Yehet94 : He is in Japan with Chen and Minseok hyung. 

zkdlin : Let's start the mission!  🤩🤩

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

1 hour later.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

zkdlin : Wow! The enemies are so fierce now!  😣 Since when did this game have such enemies??   😥 😥

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