Meeting Baekhyun

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Jiyeon woke up at 4:30 AM. She left her dorm and went to Songdo beach. 

When she arrived at Songdo beach, she saw no one.

Jiyeon : "Did master play a prank on me? "

After waiting for 10 minutes, Jiyeon decided to leave the beach. When Jiyeon turned her body around, she saw Baekhyun.

Jiyeon *fangirling* : "Omg! Baekhyun is really here!! Oh no!! What should I do?? "

Jiyeon *stare at Baekhyun* : "I wanna greet him but I don't wanna disturb him. He definitely wants to spend his time alone, without his fans, that's why he came here this early..."

Jiyeon took out her smartphone. She tried to take a selca with Baekhyun who was exercising a few meters behind her. Jiyeon kept moving her body while looking at her smartphone, trying to find the right angle for taking a selca.


Baekhyun *pretend to exercise* : "What is she doing there?? Why isn't she approaching me?? Should I approach her first? Should I tell her that I am B100Hyun? Will she believe me? "

Jiyeon decided to approach Baekhyun.

Jiyeon *smile nervously* : "Hello Baekhyun oppa..."

Baekhyun *smile broadly* : "Hello... We have met before at manga cafe in Osaka, right? What a coincidence that we met again here."

Jiyeon *happy* : "O! You remember me!"

Baekhyun *laugh* : "Of course, I remember you."

Jiyeon : "Can I... Take a picture... With you?"

Baekhyun : "No!"

Jiyeon *disappointed* : "Okay..."

Baekhyun *laugh* : "I'm just kidding... Give me your phone."

Jiyeon handed over her smartphone to Baekhyun. Baekhyun moved to stand next to Jiyeon. Baekhyun told Jiyeon to smile and then he took a selca with Jiyeon.

Baekhyun sent the picture he had just taken with Jiyeon from Jiyeon's phone to his own phone via MMS.

Baekhyun returned Jiyeon's phone to Jiyeon. Jiyeon decided to leave the beach because she had a morning class.

Jiyeon *smile broadly* : "Thank you Baekhyun oppa. Have a nice day!"

Baekhyun *smile broadly* : "You too, have a nice day!"

Baekhyun saved the phone number of the MMS sender as Baekkaebsong in his phone contact list.

A few minutes later.

Suho, Kyungsoo, Kai, Sehun, Chanyeol and the staffs arrived at the beach.

EXO-K members returned to Seoul after completing their photo shots for Nature Republic advertisement.

When Jiyeon returned to her dorm after the class had ended, she changed her phone wallpaper with her selca with Baekhyun.

Jiyeon : "Baekhyun sent our selca to this number... Hmm... I better save it to my phone contact list. Who knows, this might be really Baekhyun's phone number."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1 month later.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Baekkaebsong : Finally! Master, I've been waiting for you all this time. 😓 

B100Hyun : Really? Do you miss me? 😁 😁

Baekkaebsong : No, I just want to say thank you. I have met Baekhyun!!!! I got to talk to him! We even took a selca together! Baekhyun is so gorgeous! I love his bare face! He is so beautiful, just like an angel! I am so happy!!! THANK YOU MASTER!!! 😆 😆😆

B100Hyun : Glad to know you are happy. 😀 Don't forget our deal. Now you have to grant my wish. 😀

Baekkaebsong : Tell me what you want, master... I will grant it for you as long as it's possible.😁 😁

B100Hyun : I'll tell you what I want later. Now I can't think of anything because I'm busy.

Baekkaebsong : Okay, master! 😁

B100Hyun : Jiyeon-ah, my friends and I got busier day to day. Looks like we can't play this game together anymore. ☹️ 

Baekkaebsong : It's okay master. Of course we play game only when we are free. Work comes first. 🙂 

B100Hyun : I am glad you understand. 🙂 

Baekkaebsong : I have a morning class today and now it's 9:45 AM already. I must go off now. Bye master. 🙂 

Baekkaebsong went offline.

B100Hyun : "I'll try get online every morning at 9:30 AM. We can still chat although we don't play this game anymore."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Baekhyun : "O! I am late! She goes off already... I guess she didn't get to read my last chat."

Suho *pass by* : "Baekhyun-ah, hurry up!"

Baekhyun *turn off computer* : "Okay! Give me 3 minutes!"

Kai *happy* : "I'm so excited! Finally we can debut in Japan!"

Chen *excited* : "Let's eat ramen before we leave Japan later! I know a good ramen restaurant."

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Tao debuted as a movie star in China and Lay debuted as a solo artist in China with the release of his first solo album. They both got a separate schedule from EXO.

Baekhyun, Suho, Kai, Sehun, Kyungsoo, Chen, Xiumin, and Chanyeol were busy with EXO Japan debut.

Jiyeon was busy with her college assignments and exams. Baekhyun who tried to get online at a fixed time every morning at 9:30 AM never saw Jiyeon online.

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