Game Competition

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Jiyeon : "Please... Oppa... I'll do anything if you help me at the game competition. Please..."

Jisoo : "Listen to me, Jiyeon-ah. I've promised my friends to join the game competition with them. How can I play in your team and my team at the same time there?"

Jiyeon : "No, I mean... Let's switch accounts. I'll use your Joshua17, please use my Baekkaebsong, okay??? I will treat you your favourite foods and drinks for a week, how about that?? Deal??"

Jisoo *smile* : "Deal! Just make sure to win the competition for me, got it??"

Jiyeon *grin* : "Okay! No problem!!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Girl : "Please register your username here."

Jisoo and Jiyeon entered their usernames on the computer near the entrance of the game competition.

Girl : "147 for Joshua17 and 148 for Baekkaebsong. Please stick the number on your clothes where it can be seen. You two can go inside now. The game competition will be started in 30 minutes."

Jisoo brought Jiyeon to his team and introduced her to his teammates. Jisoo told his teammates that Jiyeon would play with them using his account. 

Jisoo's teammates objected at first but Jiyeon promised she would try her best to win the game and if they lost, she would treat them all to eat korean beef.

Meanwhile at the entrance...

Girl : "Please register your username here."

Baekhyun, Kai, Lay, Suho, Sehun, Tao and Chanyeol entered their usernames on the computer near the entrance. All of them came wearing hats and masks to cover their faces.

Girl : "236 for B100Hyun, 237 for zkdlin, 238 for zyxzjs, 239 for 1day1suho, 240 for Yehet94, 241 for hztttao and 242 for realpcy. Please stick the number on your clothes where it can be seen. The game competition will be started in 10 minutes."

Baekhyun : "Excuse me, can you check whether Baekkaebsong is already here?"

Girl *check*: "Uhm..."

Girl : "Baekkaebsong is already here."

Baekhyun : "What number is he?"

Girl : "148."

Baekhyun : "Thank you."

Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Lay looked for player with batch no.148.

Baekhyun : "Baekkaebsong?"

Jiyeon nudged Jisoo.

Jisoo : "Ah, yes. What can I help you?"

Chanyeol : "Finally, I can see you in person. Nice to meet you. I am realpcy."

Lay : "I am zyxzjs. Come with me, I'll introduce you to others."

Jisoo left Jiyeon with his teammates and went with Lay, Chanyeol and Baekhyun. 

Lay introduced Jisoo to Tao, Suho, Sehun and Kai. 

Baekhyun teamed up with Sehun, Chanyeol and Lay. Jisoo teamed up with Suho, Kai and Tao.

3 hours later.

All players took a break for lunch before the final round began.

Jiyeon : "How is it, oppa? My team..."

Jisoo : "They are quite good. What about my team?"

Jiyeon *smile* : "We made it to the final round!"


Kai *impressed* : "Baekkaebsong is very good! He made us win the game easily."

Baekhyun *smile* : "Who is better between me and him?"

Suho *chuckle* : "We will find out soon."

Tao *smirk* : "Baekhyun-ah, we won't make it easy for your team just because we're friends. Here we are rivals."

Sehun : "Where is Baekkaebsong? He always disappears once the game ends."

Lay *point finger at Jisoo* : "There he is! He is chatting with other strong team."

Baekhyun : "Let's defeat all teams and aim for the 1st and 2nd place."

Chanyeol *excited* : "Okay, let's go!"

1 hour and 30 minutes later.

Jiyeon's team got 1st place. Jisoo's team got 2nd place. Jisoo made his team lose to Jiyeon's team deliberately without his team's knowledge. Baekhyun's team got 3rd place.

Jisoo and Jiyeon went back home without waiting for the prize money because they needed to be home asap for their father's birthday celebration.

Tao *laugh* : "Baekkaebsong is better than you, Baekhyun-ah."

Baekhyun *chuckle embarrassedly* : "He's just lucky."

Kai *confused* : "Where is he now? Doesn't he want the prize?"

Baekhyun *smile* : "Let's keep his share. We can give it to him later."

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