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Jisoo drove Jiyeon to the train station. Jiyeon returned to Pusan National University.

Jiyeon threw herself to her bed once she arrived in her dorm.

Jiyeon *overjoy* : "I still can't believe it! Baekhyun is master! Master is Baekhyun! And I am friend with EXO now! I am so lucky! I really want to scream out loud telling everyone about this! Omg! Omg! But I have to keep it as a secret! This is killing me!! Oh god! "

Hyoseong : "O! You are here already."

Jiyeon *smile broadly* : "I just arrived."

Jiyeon showed Hyoseong 2 pictures of Chanyeol that she took secretly when she worked part time in SM.

Hyoseong *fangirling* : "Omg! Omg! Chanyeol is so handsome! Send it to me! Send it to me now!"

Jiyeon *laugh* : "Okay."

Hyoseong posted the pictures of Chanyeol she got from Jiyeon on her SNS.

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After college, Jiyeon called Luhan, telling him that she wanted to meet him. Luhan told Jiyeon to come to the hotel where he stayed.

Kris accidentally saw Jiyeon leaving college and he followed Jiyeon to the hotel without Jiyeon's knowledge.

Jiyeon met Luhan at hotel lobby and Luhan took Jiyeon to his hotel room so they could talk in private.

Jiyeon : "Leave the door open or I'll scream for help."

Luhan : "Okay."

Luhan : "I don't expect you to really come! You are so brave."

Jiyeon : "I want you to stop selling Hyoseong's pictures and don't post her pictures on internet and also stop bothering her or I will report you to the police. I am serious!"

Luhan *smile* : "I promise I won't do anything to your friend on one condition."

Luhan leaned forward, bringing his mouth close to Jiyeon's ear.

Luhan *whisper with seductive sighs* : "I think... You are clever enough to know what I want."

Kris who saw it from outside the hotel room, thought Luhan kissed Jiyeon's cheek.

Suddenly Luhan closed the door and he took off his shirt.

Jiyeon looked away from Luhan and prepared to scream for help if Luhan did something to her.

Suddenly Luhan fell to the floor and curled in pain and then passed out.

Jiyeon called the ambulance.

30 minutes later.

Doctor : "Are you his family?"

Jiyeon *shake head* : "No, I am not."

Doctor : "Can you contact his family? We need to find his family member who has blood type that match his blood type."

Jiyeon : "What is his blood type?"

Doctor : "O."

Jiyeon : "Take mine. My blood type is O too."

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Hyoseong *panic* : "Jiyeon-ah, did you go to meet Luhan at his hotel last night?"

Jiyeon : "Yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you because I don't want you to worry."

Hyoseong *panic* : "Oh god! Why did you do that? How can you sacrifice yourself to sleep with Luhan just to save me??"

Jiyeon *confused* : "What are you talking about?"

Hyoseong showed an online article that was becoming a hot topic of conversation among college students.

Jiyeon *read the title* : "A female student of Pusan National University was caught doing dirty job to earn money for college tuition."

Hyoseong *panic* : "Although your face isn't that clear but people will know it's you from your body posture and your clothes. Hurry up change your clothes now! You are still wearing the same clothes as in the pictures."

Jiyeon *angry* : "How dare he do this to me!"

Hyoseong : "You know who's behind this?"

Jiyeon : "Hyoseong, please tell professor I am sick."

Jiyeon dashed out of her room.

Hyoseong *shout* : "Jiyeon-ah! Please change your clothes first!"

Jiyeon left her dorm in a hurry and went to the hospital.

Jiyeon *angry* : "How dare you post that??? I want you to delete the article right now!!!"

Luhan *confused* : "Post what? What article? What are you talking about? I didn't post Hyoseong's pictures."

Jiyeon *angry* : "I am not talking about Hyoseong's pictures! I am talking about our pictures at hotel last night! Argh! I shouldn't have given my blood to you!"

Luhan *stare at Jiyeon* : "So, it was you who saved me last night."

Jiyeon *angry* : "Yes, and I regret it now!"

Jiyeon opened the link with her smartphone and then showed the article to Luhan.

Luhan : "This isn't my doing... I know nothing about this. I swear! Please believe me."

Jiyeon *try to calm down* : "Okay, I'm sorry."

Jiyeon left the hospital.

When Jiyeon arrived at college, some college students looked at her while gossiping.

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Girl : "Jiyeon-ah, a guy is looking for you. He is at the main gate."

Jiyeon : "Who?"

Girl : "I don't know. He didn't want to tell me his name."

Jiyeon went to the main gate. Chanyeol was there with a mask and a hat.

Jiyeon : "Are you looking for me?"

Chanyeol pulled down his mask briefly to show his face to Jiyeon.

Jiyeon *shocked yet happy* : "Cha... Chanyeol?? What are you doing here?"

Chanyeol *annoyed* : "Let me get straight to the point. If you approached us only to dig about EXO, then you are no different from sasaeng fans."

Jiyeon *confused* : "I never have such intentions."

Chanyeol : "Hyoseong posted 2 photos of me and I believe it was you who took the pictures in secret. I was wearing comeback outfit in the photos and it should be confidential to the public until we release our comeback teaser."

Jiyeon : "Yes, it was me who took your pictures secretly. I just want to cheer up Hyoseong by giving her your pictures because she adores you. I really had no idea she would post it. I'll tell her to delete it. I'm so sorry."

Chanyeol : "No need. SM has just dropped EXO comeback teaser. Just stay away from us from now on."

Chanyeol left Jiyeon soon after saying that. 

Chanyeol accidentally overheard some college students suspecting Jiyeon as the girl in the online article. Chanyeol who was curious, asked them about it and they showed the online article to Chanyeol.

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