A Trust

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Girl : "Jiyeon, a guy is looking for you, he is waiting for you at the front gate."

Jiyeon : "Thanks."

Jiyeon went to the front gate and Sehun was there, wearing a hat and a mask.

Sehun : "Jiyeon, can we talk privately?"

Jiyeon *confused* : "Who are you?"

Sehun *shocked* : "Can't you recognize me? I am Sehun, EXO maknae."

Jiyeon : "I'm sorry, I'm not good in recognizing people when they're wearing mask and hat."

Sehun and Jiyeon walked together to the nearest cafe.

The college students who saw Sehun and Jiyeon walking together, began gossiping. 

Girl 1 : "I'm sure she's the girl, the one who did dirty job to earn money for college tuition."

Girl 2 : "I agree with you. Yesterday I saw she meet a guy too. And the guy from yesterday was different from the guy who is with her now."

Girl 3 : "I pity her. She's pretty enough to be a model. Why must do dirty job?"

Boy 1 : "How much her rate for one night do you think? Maybe I can have fun with her if it's affordable."

Boy 2 : "I think her rate is expensive. Look at the guys who came to her. All wear branded clothes, not like us."

Meanwhile in the cafe...

Sehun : "Actually, I really like you as a friend. I was shocked yesterday when Chanyeol talked about the online article with EXO members. Baekhyun seemed really mad. We only want to know if the girl in the photos is you or not."

Jiyeon nodded sadly.

Sehun *disappointed* : "Okay, I came here just for that. I pity Jisoo, I hope he doesn't know his girlfriend is doing this."

Sehun left right away after saying that. 

Jiyeon sighed sadly and then she went back to her dorm. 

Jiyeon *cry in bed* : "Now Baekhyun knows too... Sehun said Baekhyun was really mad...  Baekhyun must have thought everything in the article was true... I was so happy when they accepted me as their friend but now they don't seem want to be my friend anymore..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Luhan : "Can you come with me? I wanna talk to you about Hyoseong."

Jiyeon : "Okay."

Luhan and Jiyeon went to the library.

Luhan : "I just want you to know that I have deleted all pictures of Hyoseong. I won't bother her anymore. Tomorrow I will go back to Beijing. I don't want to run away from my family anymore and I'll do the treatment for my illness."

Jiyeon *smile* : "I'm glad to hear that. Actually, I have a sound recording of our conversation at the hotel. Honestly, I was thinking to report you to the police. But now I don't think it's necessary anymore."

Jiyeon deleted the sound recording on her smartphone.

Luhan : "I also want to say thank you for saving my life. Before I met you, I did a lot of reckless things because I didn't care about my life which was only less than 6 months. But now, I wanna have a long life."

Jiyeon *smile* : "I'll pray for you so you can recover."

Luhan *sad* : "I'm really sorry... Because of me, people think you are a bad girl."

Jiyeon *smile* : "We both know that the article is not true. Don't worry about that."

Luhan *smile* : "Can I invite you to dinner tonight? I want to thank you properly."

Jiyeon : "Okay."

Suddenly Jiyeon's phone rang. Luhan left Jiyeon alone.

Jiyeon didn't answer the call but she turned off her phone when she saw the call was from Baekhyun.

Jiyeon *sigh sadly* : "Chanyeol has warned me to stay away from EXO. Also... If Baekhyun is master, then he already has a girl he likes. I should stop dreaming, Baekhyun is an idol and I am just a fan... No, I can't even be his fan anymore... I don't think he wants to have me as his fan anymore. I should focus on my study from now on."

Jiyeon *try to smile* : "At least, Hyoseong's problem is solved.

Jiyeon *shout* : "Come on, Jiyeon! Cheer up!"

Library visitors : "Sshhh...."

Jiyeon : "Sorry..."

9 hours later.

Luhan walked Jiyeon back to the university after the dinner.

When Jiyeon was walking toward her dorm building, suddenly Baekhyun pulled her hand and took her to behind the bush.

Jiyeon *shocked* : "Master... No, I mean Baekhyun... I mean... What are you doing here at this hour?"

Baekhyun *scold Jiyeon* : "Yeah, what am I doing here? It took me 3 hours to reach here! Why didn't you pick up my call? Why did you never get online anymore? What am I supposed to do if I want to talk to you?"

Jiyeon *face down* : "I'm sorry to make you come here..." 

Baekhyun *hold Jiyeon's shoulders* : "Jiyeon-ah, look at me..."

Jiyeon lifted her face to look at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun : "Listen to me carefully..."

Jiyeon anticipated.

Baekhyun : "I believe in you."

Jiyeon : "But... Sehun told me you're really mad."

Baekhyun *startled* : "Did he come here?"

Jiyeon nodded.

Baekhyun *annoyed* : "Yes! I was really mad because I knew the article was not true! How dare someone post it just to ruin your life! Chanyeol told me that the college students here assumed you were the girl in the article."

Jiyeon *cry because of touched* : "I don't care if the whole world thinks of me like that... As long as you believe me, that's enough for me."

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