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B100Hyun : Hello. 😁 

B100Hyun : Are you free tonight?

Baekkaebsong : Hello master. 😁

Baekkaebsong : Yes. Why?

B100Hyun : I have something to tell you face to face. I'll wait for you near Han river at 7 PM. 🙂

Baekkaebsong : Okay. See you there, master. 😁 I have to go off now. I don't wanna be late for work.

Baekkaebsong went offline.

B100Hyun went offline.

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9 hours later.

When Jiyeon arrived near Han river, Baekhyun who wore a mask and a hat was already there.

Jiyeon : "I'm sorry master. Have you waited long?"

Baekhyun : "It's okay. I just got here too."

Baekhyun returned Jiyeon's phone charger.

Jiyeon *shocked* : "Master... How can you have my phone charger?... Also... That time, how did you know that I ran away from EXO Baekhyun?"

Suddenly Jiyeon realized something.

Jiyeon *unsure* : "Master, don't tell me that you are actually..."

Baekhyun *nod passionately* : "Yes, I am! Finally! I am glad you realized it!"

Jiyeon *happy* : "Ahh!! So you also work in SM! You are EXO staff, right?"

Baekhyun : "Nooo..."

Baekhyun grabbed Jiyeon's hand and dragged her to a quiet place.

Baekhyun : "Jiyeon-ah, listen to me. I will only say this once."

Jiyeon anticipated.

Baekhyun : "I am EXO Baekhyun."

Jiyeon burst out laughing.

Baekhyun took off his hat and his mask to show his face to Jiyeon.

Jiyeon *shocked* : "No, it can't be..."  

Jiyeon *amazed* : "Master... Your face.... You really look like EXO Baekhyun!"

Suddenly Jiyeon pinched Baekhyun's cheeks.

Baekhyun *in pain* : "Yaa! What are you doing?"

Jiyeon : "Your face is real... Master, are you EXO Baekhyun's twin?"

Baekhyun *sigh* : "What should I do to make you believe that I am real EXO Baekhyun??"

Jiyeon : "EXO got their first win on music show with what song?"

Baekhyun : "Wolf."

Jiyeon : "When was it?"

Baekhyun : "2013."

Jiyeon : "Give me the complete date."

Baekhyun : "I forgot." 

Jiyeon : "You are not EXO Baekhyun."

Baekhyun : "I really forgot the exact date. Give me another chance."

Jiyeon : "Tell me the names of D.O.'s pets."

Baekhyun *laugh* : "How do I know? Can you give me easier question like how many daesang EXO has? Or about EXO concert?"

Jiyeon : "You are not EXO Baekhyun."

Baekhyun *take out his phone* : "Wait! I will call Kyungsoo now and ask him."

Suddenly Jiyeon saw Hyoseong and Luhan arguing from a distance and Hyoseong slapped Luhan.

Jiyeon : "I'm sorry, master. I have to go now."

Jiyeon left Baekhyun immediately and ran approaching Hyoseong and Luhan. 

Jiyeon : "Hyoseong, what happened?"

Luhan left Hyoseong right away. Hyoseong told her problem with Luhan to Jiyeon.

Jiyeon *concerned* : "So, you let Luhan take your pictures nakedly... Hyoseong-ah, why did you do that?"

Hyoseong : "That time I needed money for my appa's surgery."

Jiyeon *sad* : "Hyoseong-ah, why didn't you tell me? I thought we're best friends... If I had known that you needed money, I would have lent it to you."

Hyoseong *cry* : "Luhan asked me to do it again and if I refuse... He will post my naked pictures on internet... What should I do, Jiyeon-ah?"

Jiyeon : "Do you have Luhan's phone number?"

Hyoseong nodded.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jiyeon kept sighing while working. She got a headache thinking about how to solve Hyoseong's problem.

Sooae : "Jiyeon-ah, what's wrong? Are you sick?"

Jiyeon : "Uh eonni... No, I'm fine."

Sooae : "It's lunch time now. You should take a break."

Jiyeon nodded with a smile.

When Jiyeon was waiting for the elevator, suddenly Baekhyun grabbed Jiyeon's hand and dragged her into the dance practice room.

Baekhyun turned on his laptop and logged into his online game and then showed it to Jiyeon. Jiyeon was shocked.

Jiyeon *stare at Baekhyun in disbelief* : "You... You are master??"

Baekhyun *smile* : "You believe me now?"

Jiyeon nodded although she still couldn't believe it.

Jiyeon : "Omg! I've been so close to my idol all this time! How can I not realize it at all? "

Suddenly Chanyeol, Kai, Suho and Sehun came into the dance practice room.

Baekhyun *shout* : "Guys! Come here!"

Chanyeol : "What's wrong?"

Baekhyun : "Jiyeon-ah, let me introduce you to our teammates... Chanyeol is realpcy. Kai is zkdlin. Suho hyung is 1day1suho and Sehun is Yehet94... And guys, this is Baekkaebsong. You all already know her name, right?"

Jiyeon was shocked knowing the truth. Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun looked at Jiyeon in confusion meanwhile Suho only smiled at Jiyeon.

Sehun  : "Isn't Baekkaebsong Jisoo?"

Chanyeol : "I always thought Baekkaebsong was Hyoseong."

Kai *stare at Jiyeon* : "Are you really Baekkaebsong?"

Jiyeon nodded.

Jiyeon *nervous* : "I'm sorry I lied to all of you."

Chanyeol *smile* : "It's okay. It's not a big deal. Please keep our identity secret in the game."

Jiyeon *try hard to calm down* : "Okay, I promise."

Sehun *smile* : "Too bad we are very busy now. Let's play game together again someday."

Jiyeon *try hard not to fangirl* : "Excuse me, I think I have to go now or I will lose control and start fangirling."

Jiyeon stormed out of the room immediately.

Baekhyun, Suho, Sehun, Kai and Chanyeol laughed.

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