Unintentionally Meeting

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Jiyeon : "Oppa, can I go with you and your friends to Osaka?"

Jisoo : "No, you can't. My friends will be mad at me if I bring you along. They didn't even let Seungkwan's girlfriend tag along."

Jiyeon : "I have bought a ticket for CBX fan meeting in Osaka. Eomma and appa won't let me go alone to Osaka. Please take me with you. I won't disturb you and your friends. I promise. Please..."

Jisoo : "But we'll stay at Hoshi's house and there's no room for you."

Jiyeon *beg* : "I'll stay at hotel. Please... Oppa~"

Jisoo : "Okay. I'll leave you after you check in at the hotel."

Jiyeon *grin* : "Thank you, oppa! You are the best!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jiyeon : "Hoshi oppa, is there any internet cafe around here?"

Hoshi : "Yes. Once you walk out from hotel, just go straight and then turn left when you meet second intersection. The internet cafe is on the left. You will find it easily because it's quite big."

Jisoo : "Do you want me to accompany you there?"

Jiyeon *smile* : "No need. I promised not to bother you. Just go with your friends. I'll be okay. Have fun, oppa... Have fun everyone!"

Jisoo *smile* : "You too, have fun."

Minghao *smile widely* : "Come on, let's go to Hoshi's house. Bye Jiyeon!"

Seungkwan *pout* : "I should have brought my girlfriend too. She really wants to have a trip in Osaka."

Jiyeon went to her hotel room. She left her luggage in her room and went to swim at hotel's pool then took a nap. She went to the internet cafe after the dinner.

Jiyeon : "Excuse me..."

Japanese girl *speak english* : "Open seat or private booth?"

Jiyeon *speak english* : "Open seat."

The Japanese girl talked in Japanese language using hand gestures, telling Jiyeon that for open seat, 5 hours costed 780 yen and 10 hours costed 1560 yen.

Suddenly Baekhyun showed up with a hat and a mask. CBX had already finished their first day fan meeting. After the dinner, Chen and Xiumin went to watch movie at cinema meanwhile Baekhyun decided to play game.

Baekhyun *speak japanese language* : "Excuse me..."

Japanese girl *speak english* : "Open seat or private booth?"

Baekhyun *speak english* : "Private booth."

Japanese girl talked in Japanese language, telling Baekhyun that for private booth, 5 hours costed 960 yen and 10 hours costed 1750 yen.

Jiyeon and Baekhyun each gave 1000 yen to the Japanese girl. They both went inside after receiving their change.

Suddenly Jiyeon's phone rang.

Jiyeon *speak on phone* : "Hello... Oppa, I have had dinner already. I'm at internet cafe now... Okay, I'll try to ask the prize to my team later if they are online too... I got it... Okay, bye oppa."

Baekhyun *turn to Jiyeon* : "O! She is Korean... Uhm... I think I have seen her before... But where?... Uhm... Ah!  I remember! She was with another strong team at the game competition in Seoul."

Jiyeon went to sit in the open seating area and Baekhyun kept walking to the private booth area.

5 minutes later.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Baekkaebsong : @B100Hyun Hi master! 😁😁 😁

B100Hyun : @Baekkaebsong Hi! 😁 There is a new mission for 4 players but others are busy now... They can't play with us.😫

Baekkaebsong : Ahh it's too bad... Btw, do they always tell you if they can't go online?

B100Hyun : No. I know that because we live in the same dorm. 😋

Baekkaebsong : Really?? Soon, I'll live in the dorm too, once my college starts. 😀

B100Hyun : What do you say if we do the mission with just the two of us? Do you think you can handle the enemies? You're so good at the game competition before. 🙂

Baekkaebsong : Talking about the game competition, I am sorry that I left the game competition before the event ended... But, can I ask for my share?

B100Hyun : We got rare items and I already sent it to your account. You can check it. As for the money, maybe we can meet each other so I can give it to you.

Baekkaebsong : I'm sorry but now I'm not in Seoul. I am in Osaka.

B100Hyun : Really??? What are you doing in Osaka?

Baekkaebsong : I'm going to attend CBX fan meeting tomorrow. 🤩🤩

B100Hyun : That's good! I'll be at CBX fan meeting too tomorrow. Let's meet up! I'll give you the  prize money.

B100Hyun : Sorry, I have to go now. I'll wait for you tomorrow at the manga cafe near the event at 8 AM.

B100Hyun went offline.

Baekkaebsong : Wait! I can't meet you tomorrow...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jiyeon : "Ahh... I think he didn't read my message... What should I do?  I can't ask Jisoo oppa to come to manga cafe in the morning... I can't meet master too or he will know that I lied to him about my gender... Ahh..."

Baekhyun left his private booth because his manager had called him and told him to return to the hotel immediately.

When Baekhyun walked past the open seating area, he got startled when he spotted one of the computers showing the game he usually played and the character of the player that he saw on the monitor screen was Baekkaebsong.

Baekhyun approached Jiyeon and stood behind Jiyeon who still lost in her thoughts. Baekhyun could see his chat with Baekkaebsong on the monitor screen.

Baekhyun *stare at Jiyeon* : "Who is the real Baekkaebsong? Jisoo or her? "

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