Hyo Seong

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4 days later.

Jiyeon went online and completed 2 missions. When she wanted to start the third mission, suddenly she had to go to the bathroom to poop.

Hyoseong who had just returned from doing her college assignment saw Jiyeon's laptop was on and displayed the game Jiyeon was playing. She sat in front of Jiyeon's laptop and when she saw the chat, she replied it because she was bored.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

realpcy : @Baekkaebsong Hi!!! It has been awhile since the last time we played game together. 🙂

realpcy : ...

realpcy : Are you there?

realpcy : @Baekkaebsong Hello...

realpcy : ...

Baekkaebsong : Hello. 😀

realpcy : Hi! Others are busy now. Since there is only you and me, why don't we do simple mission? 🙂

Baekkaebsong : Sorry, I can't. Let's just chat. 😀

realpcy : Okay. 🙂 What are you doing now?

Baekkaebsong : Chatting with you. 🤣 

realpcy :  Ah... Yes, of course...  😅😅

Baekkaebsong : Your profile picture is a game character... Can I see your real picture?

realpcy : Show me yours too...

realpcy : *Chanyeol's selfie photo with a mask on attached*

Baekkaebsong : *Hyoseong's selfie photo attached*

Baekkaebsong : This is not fair! I sent you my picture but you sent me EXO Chanyeol's picture. 😒 😒😒

realpcy : How do you know it's Chanyeol's picture? Btw, Is that really you?  😲 😲😲

Baekkaebsong : Of course I know! Chanyeol's eyes are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my life. And yes, I just showed you my picture. Please show me your real picture! 

realpcy : Who are you? 🤨 

realpcy : Why are you using this account? 🤨 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jiyeon : "Hyoseong, what are you doing?"

Hyoseong : "Ah! Jiyeon... Nothing... I'm only chatting with your online gaming friend because I am bored."

Hyoseong went into the bathroom to take a bath.

Jiyeon laughed when she read the chat.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

realpcy : Where is Jisoo? 🤨

realpcy : Hello...

realpcy : Are you still there?

Baekkaebsong : Sorry, I was in the bathroom just now. My best friend was bored, so she tried to chat with you. 😅

realpcy : It's alright. I was shocked for a second. I thought she was you.

Baekkaebsong : So, are you EXO Chanyeol's fan?

realpcy : You can say so. 🤣 🤣 

Baekkaebsong : My best friend is a huge fan of EXO Chanyeol. 😀 

realpcy : Aa~ I see... Then what about you?

Baekkaebsong : My bias is Baekhyun. 😀  😀

realpcy : Why not Chanyeol? He is more handsome and taller than Baekhyun. 😍

Baekkaebsong : Baekhyun is cute, handsome, funny, cheerful, and I love his voice. 😍 😍

realpcy : Okay, I got it. Please stop talking about Baekhyun. Wanna do a simple mission? 🙂

Baekkaebsong : Okay. Let's do it! 😀

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

30 minutes later.

Chanyeol : "Tao! Sehun! Come here!"

Tao : "What's up?"

Chanyeol : "I just met Baekkaebsong online. Guess what!"

Sehun : "What?"

Chanyeol showed Tao and Sehun the picture of Hyoseong on his smartphone which was taken from his laptop monitor.

Tao *surprised* : "Is this Baekkaebsong???"

Chanyeol : "Baekkaebsong told me that the girl in this picture is his best friend... Which means there is a possibility Baekkaebsong lied to us."

Sehun *confused* : "Do you mean the girl in this picture is not Baekkaebsong's best friend but girlfriend? I thought Jisoo's girlfriend was the girl whom we met at the game competition."

Tao : "Or... The girl in this picture is really a best friend of Baekkaebsong and Baekkaebsong is not Jisoo but a girl!"

Chanyeol : "Or... The girl in this picture is the real Baekkaebsong! Anyway, don't tell anyone about this, especially Baekhyun."

Tao and Sehun nodded in understanding.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

10 days later.

EXO came to Busan for a fan sign event. Jiyeon couldn't attend the fan sign event because she was sick.

Chanyeol, Tao and Sehun got startled when they saw Hyoseong coming to EXO fan sign.

Sehun : "Look who's coming..."

Tao *chuckle* : "She is an EXO-L."

Chanyeol *grin* : "She is my huge fan!"

1 hour later.

Chanyeol *smile* : "What's your name?"

Hyoseong *smile happily* : "Hyoseong."

Chanyeol *write something on the photo book* : "You're a college student, right?"

Hyoseong *smile* : "Yes."

Chanyeol *sign the photo book* : "Where is your college?"

Hyoseong *smile broadly* : "Pusan National University."

Chanyeol returned the photo book to Hyoseong with a smile. Hyoseong covered her lower face with the photo book while fangirling at Chanyeol.

Hyoseong *fangirling* : "Chanyeol oppa saranghae!"

Chanyeol *chuckle shyly* : "Saranghae."

Chanyeol : "Be careful, please watch your step."

When Hyoseong read Chanyeol's note, she smiled broadly. Chanyeol told Hyoseong not to be lazy in studying.

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