Being Lucky

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Baekhyun : "I'm going out for breakfast."

Chen : "Let's go together."

Baekhyun : "I'm going to a manga cafe."

Xiumin : "Why do you have breakfast outside the hotel? Doesn't our hotel provide breakfast?"

Baekhyun : "I wanna meet my online gaming friend. I won't be long."

Chen : "Minseok hyung, let's have breakfast together."

Xiumin : "Okay."  

Baekhyun wore a mask and a hat, then he left the hotel and went to the manga cafe near CBX fan meeting arena. 

When Baekhyun was waiting for his order to be served, he saw Jiyeon walk in and sit not far from him. 

Jiyeon *speak on phone* : "Morning Jisoo oppa... I'm out for breakfast now... Oppa, tell me what B100Hyun user looks like... Owh, you didn't see his face?... No, nothing, just asking... You just woke up?... Don't worry, I'll stay at hotel tonight. I won't go anywhere... I love you too... Bye oppa."

Baekhyun *turn to Jiyeon* : "I think she is the real Baekkaebsong... So, Baekkaebsong is not Jisoo but his girlfriend."

The waiter delivered Baekhyun's order and then the waiter went to Jiyeon and asked for her order.

Baekhyun took off his mask to eat his breakfast.

Jiyeon *fangirling* : "Omg! Omg! Is that Baekhyun ??? Oh god! I'm so lucky!!  Omg! Omg! What should I do?? "

When Baekhyun realized Jiyeon was his fan, he smiled at her deliberately. 

Jiyeon *happy and nervous* : "Omg... Omg... Omg... Baekhyun just smiled at me!! "

The waiter served Jiyeon's order. Jiyeon didn't eat her breakfast but she kept staring at Baekhyun with a wide smile nervously.

Baekhyun *chuckle at Jiyeon* : "Don't keep staring at me... Please eat your breakfast."

Jiyeon *smile happily* : "My heart... My heart... I think my heart is gonna explode now!! Oh god! What should I do?? "

Baekhyun who had finished his breakfast, moved to Jiyeon's table. Jiyeon was stunned to see Baekhyun suddenly sitting in front of her and staring at her. 

Baekhyun *smile* : "I'll wait for you to finish your breakfast before I give you the money."

Jiyeon *confused* : "Money?... What money?"

Suddenly some of Baekhyun's fans came into the manga cafe and started recording videos and taking pictures.

Baekhyun : "Sorry, I have to go now."

Baekhyun wore back his mask and left the manga cafe immediately.

Jiyeon pinched her cheek and she groaned because of hurt.

When Jiyeon was eating her breakfast, suddenly she remembered that she had come to the manga cafe to meet B100Hyun user.

Jiyeon waited until 10 AM at the manga cafe but only tourists, 3 couples of lovers and 5 groups of students came to the manga cafe.

Jiyeon : "Maybe master has read my message... I am glad master didn't come... Maybe I can ask master to transfer the money to Jisoo oppa's bank account.

Jiyeon left the manga cafe and returned to the hotel. 

7 hours later.

EXO-CBX fan meeting had ended. Jiyeon returned to the hotel happily because she got a ball with Baekhyun's signature on it. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jisoo : "Tell eomma and appa that I'll be back home next week... Please be careful. Call me when you reach home, okay?"

Jiyeon : "Okay. Bye, oppa."

Jisoo left Jiyeon at Kansai International Airport, then he returned to Hoshi's house.

2 hours later.

When Jiyeon was on the plane, she accidentally found out that CBX had the same flight as her. 

Jiyeon : "Omg!! We are on the same plane!! I wanna say hi to Baekhyun but I don't wanna disturb him... He seems tired... Thank you Jisoo oppa, if you didn't take me with you, I wouldn't be this lucky."

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