Fifa World Cup 2018

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[Tbh This Chapter can affect the Plotline]
[italics are English, underline is Spanish, regular text is Korean]

[Tbh This Chapter can affect the Plotline][italics are English, underline is Spanish, regular text is Korean]

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"C'MON CHICHARITO! ¡¿Qué estás haciendo?!" I yelled at the TV in Spanish in the dorm's living. I had my "Mexico" FIFA jersey on with some snacks on the coffee table with Coca Cola cans.

(Translation: C'MON "Javier Hernández nickname", What are you doing?!)

"What did you just say?" Yoongi asked as he walked into the room with a bottled water and saw the soccer match on the TV with Spanish Dialogue.

"Chicharito, it's Javier Hernández's nickname." I told Yoongi looking at him for a split second then looking back at the TV.

"How'd you even get this channel?" Asked Seokjin who walked in the rest of the boys super confused.

"I paid extra." I said, my attention focused on the tv with determination.

"You paid extra?!" Namjoon yelled and I nodded, my attention still on the tv.

"Hey, I have to see this live alright, I watched it 4 years ago live in my studio. It's a tradition in my family." I told the boys my attention still drawn.

Buen salvamento Ochoa!" I yelled as Mexico's goalie's stops Germany's score. The boys are surprised by my actions as I still watch.

(Translation: Good Save Ochoa!)

Some time pass and many scores were missed, then the most beautiful thing happened.

"Chicharito, pásalo, pásalo! ¡Pásalo a Lozano!" I yelled, Javier Hernández passed the ball to Hirving Lozano, Lozano struggled to get past the German players, but he was able to score, the announcer screaming "goal" for a good minute straight.

(Translation: (Javier Hernández's nickname) pass it, pass it! Pass it to Lozano! (Another Mexico Team player))

"YES LOZANO YES!" I yelled and scream as I run around the couch and the living room, the boys were laughing at my antics. I jump back on the crouch and grabbbed my phone and made a call.

"Luisa?" My cousin answered.

"¿lo viste?" She asked,

(Translation: You saw it?

"Lo hice, lo hice, Chicharito hizo un pase tan increíble. y ese puntaje!" I exclaimed still watching the replay of it.

(Translation: I did, I did, Chicharito made such an incredible pass. And that score!

"Hey isn't it like 11 for you over there?" She asked.

"Yeah, But i'm use to being up past 3, I had to watch the game live, it's tradition." I told her sitting down, I boys looked at me like they had so many questions and I nodded to show them I'll get to them.

"Oh, that was a damn good score. God I hope they win." She says.

"Same here, Well I'll call you again if they make a score or win." I tell her, we say our goodbyes and I hang up.

"What's up?" I asked them in Korean.

"What happened." Asked Taehyung as he sat in the floor with my bag of popcorn.

"Mexico scored a goal, so if they keep it up they get to face off another team and if they win that they'll possibly head off to the quarterfinals of 16." I tell him and sit down.

"Are there any commercials? I gotta go to the bathroom..." Jungkook asked as he squirmed around in discomfort, I laughed.

"No kookie, there are no commercials at all, there rarely isn't. If you got to go, might as well go now." He nodded and dashed to the bathroom.

"They stopped playing, why isn't the clock stopping?" Asked Namjoon.

"In soccer, the clock doesn't stop. There are also no time outs, that's why the players and coaches yell out orders or plays." I say, he nods in understanding.

"But wouldn't the opposing team know what they would be doing?" Asked Jimin as he tapped on my crisscrossed legs, he tapped my knee.

"I mean, the other team is so focused on winning that they are yelling plays too. It's more of 'pass it to him!' 'Hey go block him!' Stuff like that." I explain.

The game continued I was so into I didn't notice that the boys were also focused, during a dead ball I found out how to get Korean subtitles on the TV so they were able to follow along.

"Ochoa, mantén la pelota, deja que el resto de los jugadores respiren! ¡solo te quedan 5 minutos hasta el final del juego!" It was 85 minutes left and Mexico still had 1:0. 5 more minutes and they could win.

(Translation: Ochoa, keep the ball, let the rest of the players breath! you only have 5 minutes left until end game!)

Then the announcer said 3 more minutes will be added after the 90 minute end game.

"Crap NO!" I said distressed.

"What's wrong with 3 minutes?" Asked Jimin.

"Well, usually these soccer games end at 90 minutes, Germany haven't scored anything, so they would be in deep trouble around the 70 minute mark, time isn't in any losing team's side. Now that 3 minutes are added, that gives Germany a chance to score, which would result in a tie, which would make Mexico and Germany get 1 point instead of Mexico winning and receiving 3 points." I explain to them.

"If a team wins a game in their group, they get 3 points which brings them up to a shot into the actual competition. If the opposing team loses, well they get no points, if there's a tie, they get 1 point." The clock struck 92 and I was in the edge of my seat.

Then the clock stroke 93 and a few seconds kept going, the room was silent and the volume was very loud, I heard a distant whistle, which whistled 3 times marking the end of the game, I jumped up and yelled and ran around again. I hugged everyone and went to Yoongi last, and I started to cry.

"YES YES YES!" I yelled into his chest, I felt his chest vibrate from him laughing as he hugged me back.

"Oh my god i'm so happy! I gotta call my parents!" I yelled and ran straight into my room to call my mom.

"That was cute." Said Yoongi and everyone nodded as they started to clean up after me as I grabbed my laptop.

"Mom can you believe it?!"

México ganó!"
(Translation: Mexico won!)

"Darling! Darling! I just looked this up! Mexico is gonna face South Korea next!" Jungkook yelled holding his phone as he ran to Darling's room, all the boys laughed as Jungkook tackled Darling.


Oof, I tried to write this as fast as I could.


I watched it live and I was yellin' and getting all pumped about it.

(I am Mexican so i'm super happy right now)

Thanks so much for the reads and I appreciate all you!

- Union_R ✨ -

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