Rings || Mafia Au x 1

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Cheers and yells were loud and booming in the small, dirty Underground area

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Cheers and yells were loud and booming in the small, dirty Underground area. Sweat dripped and landed on the soft mats as punches were thrown. Smacks loud as each person huffed, trying to regain their breath.

One loud smack was sounded as one person dropped to the floor, unconscious as the ref counts to 10 slowly. Cheers intensified as the ref grabbed the winner's forearm and raised it in the arm, representing the winner. They smiled and breathed heavily as the ref let go.

Everyone started to pay their bets as the winner watched the loser be carried away. They sat on the edge of the ring, their gloves still tight on their wrists.

"Good job Darling." A man said, the girl named Darling turned to see her friend, Eunkyhung holding 4 large wads of cash, he grabs three of them and hands them to her, but stops.

"Why are your gloves still on? The match ended thirty minutes ago." He placed the cash next to her as he quickly unwrapped the gloves, the Velcro making a loud rip. Many fans walked by congratulating Darling on her win. She smiled and shortly bowed as a thank you.

Once the red burly gloves are off Darling stretches her fingers, they hurt a little being stuck in their blended position since 8 pm, it was 1 am. She slowly unwraps the bandage around her hands until her hands are fully exposed, the sweat becoming cold once the air hits them.

Eunkyhung grabbed the wads of cash and handed them to her.

"You also have an anticipated match in two days. It's in the Yongsan District." Darlings eyebrows furrowed.

"Yep, they pay good Darling, if you win the bets could go crazy, enough for your family." He convinces Darling as she looks down to the dirty floor in thought.

"Better start training, text me ok, I know you can handle yourself, but I really got to get going." Darling nodded as she slid out from the ring. She grabbed her things and went to the locker room, stuffing her wraps, gloves, and cash into it as she slipped on her shoes. She makes her way onto the dark streets, only the lights from street lamps illuminated the streets, it orange light cascading down.

Darling sniffles as she walks down the streets, her footsteps loud as they hit the pavement, she adjusted the strap on her bag, the strap falling off her shoulder as she pulls it back.

As she passes by an alley a crash is heard, Darling stopped, she slowly turned as a cat jumped out, she scoffed as a small smile reacher her lips.

"Cute." She said as turned back around, a thud was heard which made her stop again. She slowly turned around to see a body in replace of where the cat sat. The body faced down as Darling was wide eyed.

"What the hell?" She whispered out, she stayed in her spot as she quickly turned back and speed walked away.

"Probably some drunk guy anyways." Darling whispered under her breath as she turned a corner.

As she turned someone pulled her forearm, her bag falling to the floor. A hand was over her mouth as she was pushed to a wall, a man with orange hair who seemed around her age was very close to her as he smiled, in his other hand held a knife as she eyed it.

"You're pretty." He said as his hand moved to squish her cheeks, the knife slowly moved to the top of her left cheek, near the bags under her eyes.

"Did you see that man?" He said, the knife softly made circles around her cheek. Darling had to choose her words wisely. This man seemed psychotic. After some silence it seemed to anger him as he slowly pushed the knife of her cheek and dragging is down, leaving a small wound, blood slowly dripped from it as Darling whimpered in pain.

"What the hell are you doing Jimin?" The man supposedly named Jimin stopped dragging the knife and took it away from her cheek, his hand left her face as she quickly put her hand to her wounded cheek.

"I think the little one saw our evidence." Jimin said as he eyed her.

"Did she see you do it?" The man asked, his red hair shined brightly in the dark as Darling flicked her eyes between them.

"You're talking as if i'm not even here." She croaked out as both men snap their heads to her.

"The little one does speak." Jimin said as he turned back to her.

"I thought he was drunk. Can I just go, I have a family to get to." She sassed looking bored at the duo.

"Drunk? Yes, that's exactly it." The other man said, not convincing Darling one bit with his tone.

"Look here Strawberry Shortcake and Orange Blossom, whatever the hell you're doing, I won't talk to anyone about it. I have better things to pay attention to then two colorful headed strangers walking around at 2 am." She says sternly as the duo smile at her rise in confidence.

"We got ourselves a boxer." A voice said, Darling whipped her head to see a man with mint hair kneeling in front of her duffel bag, holding her gloves and the cash she earned.

"Hey! Get away from that!" Darling said as she walked to the man as he stood up. She furiously grabbed the cash and gloves from his hands and stuffed it back in the bag, she zipped it up quickly and grabbed the straps.

"What the hell is wrong with you people." She said as she starts to walk away.

"Hey!" A voice yelled, Darling growled angrily as she turned.

"What. What the fuck do you want now?!" She said angrily.

"You want to get triple of what you got in that bag, then go to the Bangtan Roulette in Gangnam! It's worth it!" The man with the mint hair said, Darling rolled her eyes and walked away back home.

Her mind flooded with questions.

What the hell just happened?

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