Darling's injuries

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[This Chapter does affect the Plotline]

Throughout the years Darling has been unaware with her surroundings (which is unlike her since she is very cautious and safe of her surroundings).

Believe it or not when Darling was 7 her family, which included her parents, some aunts and uncles with their children. One of Darling's uncle's had a small dog, a chihuahua specifically.

His name was Fluffles and Fluffles did not like Darling at all.

So when Darling was with her mother on the towels on the sand, Fluffles decided to take matters into his own paws and decided to bite Darling by her waist, and for a feisty little guy, he packed a real bite through Darling's one piece swimsuit, piercing through her skin.

Luckily multiple cars were taken to the beach so Darling's parents drove back home with a sniffling Darling holding her right side in the backseat, a big tan colored Band-Aid covered the bite mark, which made Darling cry more because "it's not a Barbie band-aid!"

A faint scar still takes place on the right side of her waist, but laughs it off whenever someone asks about it.


During a performance of 'Bapsae' Darling was on the left side of the rest of the boys, on her own, what she didn't realize was that there was planned fire burst since it was the beginning. The crew was low on gas for the flames to arise, so they didn't turn on the fire burners during the practice.

As Darling started to dance the choreography of the pre-chorus her right calf was in the line of fire of the fire burners, as the fire flew up, it made contact with Darling's left calf, burning straight through her leather jeans and leaving a burn.

Darling, being the performer she is, had a face of pain, but continued on with the performance, struggling to keep time with the rest are of the boys, the pain on her leg being unbearable.

The boys showed faces of worry seeing the female in pain.

She quickly left the stage once 'Dope' started to play, red being a prominent color on her leg, she limped to the crew and stylists as they took her to the closest hospital.

She missed the rest of the concert that night and stated an apology on Twitter and the fan café.


Darling has never broken a bone in her body, even in present day.

But when Darling sprained her ankle during dance practice, not only was she frustrated, but also terrified.

She has never felt this feeling before and didn't know what to do.

So she sat out and watched the boys practice 'Blood, Sweat & Tears' while having a bag of ice from the ice machine on her ankle. She was silent the whole ride to the hospital.

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