ISAC 2015-2017

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ISAC 2015-

Since the competition was separated by gender groups, Darling had a hard time trying to compete.

She tried her hardest to participate in one activity and the officials told her that she could only participate in the Archery portion and she was completely ok with it.

She scored a 7, an 8, and another 8.

ISAC 2016-

Darling was again only allowed to participate in the Archery portion of the games, and she was alright with that.

The boys, not so much.

They wanted her to participate more, they hated how she was being left out because she was a girl in an all male group, she reasoned with them that it was alright, the boys decide to let it slide... for now.

When Darling went up for the second year in a row she scored much higher than Yoongi and Jimin.

"Next up is Bangtan's Justice!" The announcer yelled as Darling fixed her skirt, which she was forced to wear and is very uncomfortable by it, but she made due with what she had. She put her feet in the boxes and had her bow aimed at the ground, no arrow connected to the string yet.

A buzzer went off, initiating Darling to aim and shoot. She got into her stance and she breathed out, she released the string, she couldn't see where it landed, all the boys stood on their feet in excitement hoping that this could get them on a better place.

"8!" The lady announcer yells as fans scream, Darling turns her body, her feet not moving, she throws up a finger heart and smiles as the fans scream even more.

Her coach went up to her, praising her for the good score and to move at least "a hair" to the right, Darling nodded and took note of it.

She steadies her position and breathed out calmly, then she released the string, it was silent for a few seconds.

"10!" The announcer lady said as fans screamed even louder then before, making Bangtan jump for joy. Darling still had one more shot.

She tried to take note of where her last position was as she did her stance again, arrow ready, she breathed and moved her bow down "a hair" and brought the string back a little further to her cheek and she breathed again. It was quiet and you could hear the arrow rip through the piece of paper that represented the target. She lowered her arm that held the bow, her face showing anticipation as she waited for her score to be announced.

"10!" The announcer lady yelled again as Darling got excited and smiled really big as she turned away to put her bow on it's stand, once she did the boys tackled her in a hug. They still lost, but plan to have Darling play next year.

Yoongi and Jimin's scores:
Yoongi: 6 | 2 | Miss
Jimin:  6 | 2 | 7
Justice: 8 | 10 | 10

ISAC 2017:

The boys tried to convince Darling to run in the 400 m portion of the games. Darling denied, she said in her own words, "i'm not running in that short skirt they force me to wear." So the boys gave up trying to convince her to do another portion of the games.

Yoongi didn't want to participate in the Archery portion so Jungkook took his place.

"This means we will actually win right?" An excited Jimin asked Jungkook and Darling as they were in the practice range with the other idols.

"Well if you keep jinxing it then maybe we won't." Darling teased as she got into position to shoot, Jimin laughs in a fake tone as he starts to shoot as well as Jungkook who only giggles at the comment.

They make it to the games and Jungkook goes first, Darling sits in the middle chair while Jimin sit on the other end recording everything.

Then goes Jimin, who doesn't do as well as he expected or wanted for that matter.

Then Darling goes up, happy she at least gets o wear leggings rather then a skirt. She makes her way to the boxes and steps her feet into position.

She gets into her stance as she readies her bow, she scores a 9, then a 10 It was a straight bull's eye as the fans screamed louder then ever as most of the idols and coaches were astonished, then another 9. The announcer says that there is one more arrow and the coach decides Darling will take the last arrow since she's already there and freshly prepared.

The arrows were still on the target as Darling got ready to finish the match, it was quiet as Darling released the string, it was still quiet as a loud cracking sound was made, which confused Darling. The announcer announced it was a 10 and fans started to scream, but once they showed the target they screamed even louder.

Darling saw the screen and was wide eyed.

She split her bull's eye arrow in half... Brave style!

She shouldn't believe nor did anyone else, they took home bronze medals

The Scores:
Jungkook: 9 | 9 | 10
Jimin: 6 | 8 | 5
Justice: 9 | 10 | 9 | 10

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